Q: I was in the right lane of a two-lanes-in-each-direction road. An RV came up in the left lane and swung slightly right – wheels still in the left lane, but wide-mounted mirrors extending into my lane. The RV’s mirror passed over my driver’s side mirror by a few inches. If I’d been in a taller vehicle they would have clipped. It seems the driver wasn’t aware of the size of their vehicle. Is there any license requirement or training for driving bus-sized vehicles?
A: Imagine you’ve hired a contractor to build you a brand-new house. On the day of completion the contractor hands you the keys and says, “I did the absolute bare minimum to meet code requirements. Enjoy your new house.” That doesn’t inspire a lot of confidence, does it? I have a similar lack of confidence in RV drivers who rely only on their experience driving the family minivan in preparation for operating a 45-foot motorhome.
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