The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) has a new PSA they’ve released as part of distracted driving month. It’s good, but I’m pretty sure I’m not the target audience. I’ll admit that I didn’t get the tagline, which immediately identifies me as not being part of the millennial generation. In case you didn’t get it either, I looked it up. Smh is an acronym for “shaking my head.” If your kid ever texts that to you, it means he is shaking his head in disappointment. Here’s the PSA. Warning: It’s sad.
Lately I’ve noticed that not a lot of drivers either know or care what the laws are for crossing double yellow lines. For that matter, could you enlighten us all on all of the types of lines on the roads – dashed, solid, yellow, white, turtles, double, single, crosshatched, etc.