I feel like it’s in poor taste for a funeral home to try to drum up business like this, but they do make a point.

Four episodes; I think this series could become a real thing. In this episode I go on a field trip to determine the reality around speeding drivers.
I was just about to post episode 4 when I realized that episode 3 hadn’t been properly released. Maybe there’s a reason for that. This episode is less traffic safety and more what happens when you’re in a global quarantine so you can’t get a guest (at least, a real guest) for your show.
Across Washington fatalities from distracted driving are down. In 2019 there were 33 fewer distracted driving deaths in our state compared to 2016, the year before our new distracted driving law took effect. Drivers are paying more attention to the road, and it’s making a difference, so thank you.
In what I hope becomes a continuing series, this is the first episode of Donuts and Traffic – a show where we eat donuts and talk about traffic. In this episode I talk with new driver Odelia Dahl about what it’s like to hit the road for her first solo trip, the ups and downs of driving, and her dad’s bad driving habits.
Here’s the third of three distracted driving PSAs in partnership with the Bellingham Bells. You might think this one borders on ridiculous, but admit it, you’ve seen people do some crazy things while driving. The consequences of distraction during a game pale compared to what can happen on the road. Thanks to Jack, Troy and Sam for all being willing to be a little goofy to make an important point.
Here’s the second of the three distracted driving PSAs with the Bellingham Bells. In this one, third base player Troy Viola has some fun taking a selfie during a ball game. He wouldn’t really let a selfie distract him from winning a game, and he doesn’t let it distract him while driving either.
I got the opportunity to work with some Bellingham Bells players on some distracted driving PSAs. We had fun making them (at least I had fun; I think they did too) and the end result makes a great point – you wouldn’t let yourself get distracted in a game, so why would you let it happen when you’re driving and the consequences could be much worse? Here’s the first one, with Sam Swenson.
This week I got to work with a couple of local motorcycle deputies from the Whatcom County Sheriff’s Office to put together a PSA on motorcycle safety. They have some great advice for all the riders out there.
Does anyone remember The 5th Dimension? They had some big hits in the 60s and 70s (Up, Up and Away, Aquarius). By the 80s they were playing the nostalgia circuit, so maybe they needed some cash when the opportunity to do a traffic safety PSA came up. I’m guessing they’re not too proud of their work here, because it doesn’t show up in any band bio or discography; not even on Wikipedia. If nothing else, this video certain captures everything wrong with the 80s, at least when it comes to fashion. Oh, and what’s up with the eye patch guy? Enjoy.