Too Far and Too Close – Stopping at Intersections

Q: As a driver coming from a different state, one of the first things I noticed here is that the cars seem so spread out at stop lights. I was taught to pull up fairly close to the vehicle in front of you to make room for other vehicles on the road. I’ve seen people leave one, two and even three car lengths between their car and the one in front of them. Is this courtesy not taught in driver education around here? The “big space” people block others from getting to a turn lane, block cars from entering the roadway and sometimes use up a good portion of a green light to get through an intersection.

A: Until I read your question, I hadn’t noticed this as a problem. And then, on my next drive, I saw someone leave what looked like three car lengths between themselves and the car in front of them at a traffic light. Had I been overlooking a wide-reaching issue that’s been right in front of me? Probably not. More likely, I just experienced a frequency illusion; when something you just discovered suddenly starts showing up everywhere. While mostly benign, frequency illusions can influence traffic safety, and not in a good way. But that’s a topic for another article. 

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The Two-Way Turn Lane Is Not For Passing

Q: Imagine it’s another slow drive home and, as usual, you’re backed up in traffic, waiting for your chance to swing into the left turn lane and (hopefully) leave the congestion behind. Other drivers are obviously thinking the same thing, except they’re whizzing past you, using that long two-way left turn lane as a passing lane to get up to the​ light. Should you swing over there, too? And how soon is too soon?

A: It’s hard to resist the lure of open pavement, isn’t it? You’re stuck waiting two minutes at a time for the light to change, moving forward ten cars, and then waiting again, all while watching the scofflaws using the center turn lane to get ahead. Yes, those people whizzing past you using the two-way left turn lane as a passing lane are violating the law.

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Two Left Turns – The Dance of the Intersection

Q: Scenario: I’m making a left turn at an intersection (across oncoming traffic). There is an oncoming vehicle doing the same. (We’re now pointing at each other in the intersection.) Do we pass each other and then turn? Or turn before we pass? Sorry this is hard to describe — it’s also hard to deal with in real life, too!

A: If you’re going ballroom dancing, it helps if both you and your partner know the same steps. My own knowledge of the topic is limited to an introductory class taken in an attempt to not make a fool of myself at a wedding where I knew we’d be ballroom dancing. That was enough to know that getting out of step can result in some clumsy results.

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Sharing The Bike Lane With Walkers

Q: I live in an area where bikes lanes are present on both sides of the road, but there are no sidewalks. I was taught to always walk against car traffic. That also means walking against bike traffic. If I see a bike coming, I edge to my left to allow them to pass me on the right. I have had some experiences with bike riders not yielding any space, or worse, forcing me into the street. I have also seen a lot of walkers walking with traffic. What are the rules with regard to pedestrians and bicyclists using bike lanes in areas where there are no sidewalks? Also, what are the rules regarding pedestrian directionality with regard to traffic?

A: In the classic western movie High Noon, there’s an iconic scene moments before the villains arrive when Marshal Will Kane walks alone down the main street through Hadleyville, the sole person responsible for the safety of his town. Do you know which side of the road he walks down? It doesn’t matter, because the story takes place before cars and bicycles were invented. From a traffic safety perspective, we may long for those simpler times. In this modern era, pedestrians, cyclists and drivers sometimes share the same space, and there’s a clear imbalance in outcomes if it doesn’t all go well. Of course, in those simpler times we didn’t have penicillin and the average life expectancy was 42, so there are some tradeoffs.

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We’re All Part Of The Impaired Driving Solution

This week I’m turning things around a bit. Usually you ask the questions, but this time I’m going to do it. Or more accurately, I’m going to repeat a question that Washington Traffic Safety Commission asked: “What have you done to stop someone from driving drunk or high?” Folks responded, and their answers are worth sharing.

Maybe you’ve been in a situation where an impaired person intended to drive and you knew it was up to you to make sure they didn’t. In that moment you might have felt like you were out there on your own. I hope that after you’re done reading this you’ll know that you’re not. These stories (and actual research data) show that when you prevent impaired driving, you’re part of a team that includes a lot of us. How many? A survey of Washington drivers found that 80 percent of people in a situation to intervene have taken action to stop someone from driving impaired. Here are a few of their stories.

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Stopping For Pedestrians: You Should Do It.

Q: I frequently see vehicles stop in moving traffic to allow pedestrians to cross outside a crosswalk. I know they are just being courteous but doesn’t that create a more dangerous situation for the pedestrian? Can you advise us on the rules of crossing and when it’s appropriate, if ever, to go outside them?

A: From the context of your question, I think we’re talking here about pedestrians crossing the street mid-block, but there’s also the possibility that there’s a misunderstanding about crosswalks, so let’s address that first. Some folks might think a crosswalk is created by painting white stripes at an intersection. Actually though, the crosswalk was there before any paint was sprayed. A crosswalk is the ten foot wide strip that connects the corners of an intersection, whether it’s been marked by paint or not.

Continue reading “Stopping For Pedestrians: You Should Do It.”

Towing in Ice and Snow

 Q: What are the rules for towing a trailer over the pass when there’s snow or ice on the roads? And beyond the rules what advice can you give? I suspect the real concern is trailers on ice, since they may not want to follow the tow vehicle.

A: I just checked mountain pass conditions on DOT’s website, and now is a good time to be talking about this. Before we get to the rules though, I have one question for anyone about to tow a trailer over a pass with winter conditions: Do you really have to make that trip right now?

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Turn Signals In Dedicated Turn Lanes

Q: Using turn signals to signal a turn or lane change is required. But what if the vehicle is in a dedicated turn lane? While using a turn signal might add a small degree of safety, what is required?

A: I can see the logic here. If you’re in a lane where your only option is to make a turn, your vehicle position is as much an indication to other drivers of your intention to turn as your turn signal. I’d argue (and I will later) that you should signal because it’s helpful, but you asked what the law requires, so we’ll start there.

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Headlights, Taillights, Turn ‘Em On

Q: I have questions about lights. For years cars and trucks have been made with a third/center stop light. I see many vehicles on which this light no longer is working. Is this legal? Also, most newer cars come with daytime running lights. Are there any requirements to have these on?

A: The internet believes that the third brake light was invented by a San Francisco cab driver who had been rear-ended twelve times. He wired an extra brake light into his rear window and was never rear-ended again. There’s no actual evidence supporting that story, but there is a bit of overlap with the truth.

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Two Rights Aren’t Always Right

Q: When there is an intersection with two right turn lanes, are both lanes allowed to turn right on red after stopping? And can drivers change lanes during the turn when both lanes are going the same direction? In my experience, the drivers changing lanes toward the left as they turn are completely oblivious to the other right-turning lane.

A: There’s nothing stopping anyone from getting the Taco Bell logo permanently tattooed on their body, but that doesn’t mean it’s a good idea. To the seventeen people with Taco Bell tattoos, no judgment here; I respect your commitment. My point here is that there are plenty of things we are allowed to do that, for good reason, we choose not to do, and this includes how we drive.

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