Q: I’m wondering how other states compare to Washington regarding how much alcohol you’re allowed to consume and still drive. Isn’t there a state or two that has zero tolerance? I know some countries also have zero tolerance. I wonder if the law allowing up to .08 BAC or 5 ng/mL for cannabis gives people the idea that driving with some substances is okay, or that we are “safe” within those limits. Why isn’t Washington’s BAC limit lower?
A: Your question brings up a misperception that I see repeatedly; the idea that it’s okay to drive as long as your Blood Alcohol Level (BAC) is lower than .08. I’ll get to the comparisons you asked about in a moment, but if there’s one thing I want people to take away from reading this, it’s that you can be impaired (and get arrested for impaired driving) well below the per se limit of .08.
Continue reading “Comparing Washington to the World – Impaired Driving”