Burnouts – Which Law(s) Do They Break?

Q: I’ve seen plenty of long, black tire marks out on county roads that look intentional. Once COVID struck and the freeways were empty I even saw a 360 degree burnout on the freeway. That can’t be legal, but what law is it breaking?

A: Let me tell you about Cars and Coffee. The title is so on the nose it hardly needs explanation, but I will anyway. These are events in which automotive enthusiasts drive their show-worthy cars to a parking lot where they drink coffee, socialize and admire each others’ cars. In the few that I’ve attended (as a visitor, not a show car owner) they’ve been fun, casual events with some interesting cars.

However, and you knew there was a however, despite the “no burnouts” rule at every Cars and Coffee event, when it’s over and time to leave, there is sometimes a guy (it’s pretty much always a guy) that does it anyway. And as often happens when a car has more power than the driver has skill, some burnouts turn into crashes.  When that happens, you’ll have a swarm of young men all with phone in hand, sprinting toward the car to capture the failure in close-up so they can put it on the internet. It’s like live-streaming karma.

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Getting Around a Neighborhood Traffic Calming Circle

Q: There is a neighborhood I drive through that has something I’d describe as little roundabouts, much smaller than a regular roundabout, in several intersections. It’s like they took a normal intersection, put a concrete circle in the middle of it and filled it with plants. Do I have to go around the circle to make a left turn, or can I just turn left in front of the circle? It’s such a tight turning radius if I go around the circle in my truck.

A: The intersection you just described goes by a few different names. The Washington Department of Transportation calls them Neighborhood Traffic Calming Circles, so we’ll go with that, but I’ll shorten it to NTCC because the full name is a mouthful. (Can you have a mouthful when your words are in print?)

If you had a time machine and you traveled back to Seattle at least ten years ago, then you could turn left in front of a NTCC. Of course, if you had a time machine, I think you’d find a better use for it than turning left in front of traffic circles. In a moment I’ll explain why it used to be allowed in Seattle, and why it’s not now.

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Age and Driving – Knowing When It’s Time To Stop

Q: My parents are getting older, and I’m wondering, how do I know when it’s time for them to stop driving?

A: If you’re a fan of the Guinness Book of World Records, you might have heard of Johanna Quaas, the world’s oldest gymnast. She turned 95 this year and still has a parallel bar routine that would make some of the show-offs on muscle beach reevaluate their life goals.

I mention Johanna to make the point that age itself isn’t the limiting factor in driving, or any other life activity. It’s all the things that go along with age. That might sound like two ways of saying the same thing, but I don’t think so.

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Distractions from Dogs

Q: Distracted driving is easy to pin on phone usage, but what about little dogs on drivers’ laps? I’ve seen so many situations that can be very dangerous due to dogs between the driver and the steering wheel or hanging out the driver’s window.

A: First the good news: At any given moment, most drivers (about 93 percent in Washington) are not distracted. Right now you’re saying, “Wait a second, there’s no way that’s true.” I know you’re saying that because that, or some variation of it, is what people usually say to me when I share that data.

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Saving Pedestrians With Your Headlights

Q: I’m concerned about pedestrians getting killed on the road. I think the lack of use of high beam lights is likely the cause of the drivers not seeing the pedestrians. I have a problem for you to solve. How far do typical low beam lights light the road ahead and how long does it take the average driver to stop their car traveling at 50 mph? Could these lives have been spared had the drivers just used their high beam lights?

A: Having just experienced the darkest day of the year (we always call it the shortest day, but it’s still 24 hours long so that’s not really accurate is it?) it seems appropriate to talk about headlights. With over 15 hours of darkness in every day this week, there’s a good chance that some of your driving will be in the dark.

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Solutions to Speeding

Q: How do we get semis to slow down on the freeway? I was going 69 mph on the freeway and one passed me.

A: I’m going to give you the benefit of the doubt and assume that you were in a 70 mph zone when this happened because I want to believe the best of the people who send me questions. But at the same time, I’m not entirely confident that I’m right, because I’ve had a number (not too big a number, but a big enough number) of people admit to me that they’re speeding while asking what’s going to be done to stop the people speeding even faster. It brings to mind the quote by George Carlin: “Anyone that’s driving slower than you is an idiot, and anyone driving faster than you is a maniac.”

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Getting a DUI for Talking on Your Phone?

Q: Is it true you can get a DUI for texting or talking on your phone while driving? I’ve heard that people have gotten arrested for it, and that doesn’t seem right.

A: In 2017 Washington legislators overhauled our distracted driving law which, despite being only being ten years old, was already obsolete. Actually, it was obsolete within weeks of being passed. Back in 2007, when our first distracted driving law was written, it prohibited holding the phone to your ear to talk and sending text messages. That seemed reasonable at the time because the only thing you could do with a cell phone was call and text. That all changed with the launch of the iPhone, which came out in, you guessed it, 2007.

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If It Melts Ice, It Probably Rusts Your Car

Q: What kind of substance is applied to the local roads during freezing weather? Is the liquid mixture salt or something else? What kind of damage can it cause to cars?

A: Rust. That’s the one word answer. As to what the substance is, that answer is more complicated. But rather than turn this into a chemistry lesson, let’s take a short trip back in time, to the Great Seattle Salt Debate of 2008.

Maybe you remember; the city of Seattle had decided to abandon salt as a treatment for icy and snowy roads, committing instead to using sand. And then the city was hit by the biggest snowfall in a decade. Many roads were impassable, leading to a collision that made international news when two buses full of students slid down a hill and crashed through a concrete barricade, the front quarter of one bus dangling over I-5 thirty feet below. (By magic, luck, physics or divine intervention there were no serious injuries.) In the aftermath, the city switched back to using salt, or other salt-ish chemicals. Some folks speculate that the mayor’s no-salt stance cost him the next election.

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When The Passenger In The Car Has A Warrant

Q: What is the best thing to do to avoid being identified by police if I’m a passenger in the vehicle? I have a warrant and don’t want to go to jail.

A: I’ve never been in your situation, and I can’t imagine the chronic stress you’re dealing with when so much of your mental energy is consumed by worrying that each time you leave your house your end destination might be jail. However, I have met people who were in your circumstances, and some of them have said it was a relief when they finally got arrested because they no longer had to live in fear of getting caught, so let’s start there.

Your  warrant isn’t going to go away on its own. All you’re doing by avoiding it is delaying the inevitable. My first recommendation would be to contact the court that issued the warrant and pay the bail, post the bond, file a motion to quash the warrant or turn yourself in. But you didn’t ask for that answer.

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Breaking The Law To Avoid A Crash

Q: Okay, here’s a hypothetical scenario: I’m driving down a road with a double yellow center line, when a kid chasing a ball runs into the street and my only way to avoid him is by going into the other lane. Obviously I swerve to avoid the kid, but is it legal to break the law to avoid a crash?

A: Back in 1984, the Ghostbusters responded to paranormal events in their Ectomobile, a 1959 Cadillac ambulance conversion, modified for busting ghosts. The moment they got their first call the Ectomobile rolled out of the converted firehouse, siren whining and blue lights flashing. And even though the siren is only allowed on authorized emergency vehicles and the blue lights are limited to law enforcement vehicles, that’s not what got the Ghostbusters in trouble.

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