Left Turns in Growing Cities

Q: Here’s the scenario: I’m on a multi-lane arterial intending to take a left turn three blocks ahead. Cars ahead of me that are also turning left have filled the left turn lane and backed up into the two-way turn lane for almost three blocks. Do I pull in after them in the two-way turn lane, or do I drive up to the left turn lane and stop with my blinker on waiting for the turn lane to empty out? Can I travel through an intersection from one two-way turn lane to the next if I haven’t traveled 300 feet?

A: You’ve asked me to choose between two options, neither of which I can recommend, because both violate the law. I’ll propose that this is a false dilemma, as there are other legal options, but I suspect that you’ll find them unsatisfactory.

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How Bad is Freeway Speeding?

Q: I recently drove from Blaine to Kelso and back on a weekend. Other than downtown Seattle, the average speed on I-5 was 80 mph in both lanes, and there were vehicles passing me by. Twice, a motorcycle blasted through weaving between cars at over 100 mph. I’ve not experienced this kind of freeway driving in Washington before. Is this commonplace now?

A: What does it say about our driving culture that the part of your question I find hardest to believe isn’t the 100 mph motorcycles; it’s that you drove almost the entire I-5 corridor in Washington and only had slow traffic in downtown Seattle. My experience has typically been traffic jams starting near Olympia and continuing to Smokey Point. However, we’re not here to talk about slow traffic.

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Your Car Influences Your Behavior

Q: I’ve noticed that very few Teslas display front license plates. And on further revue I’ve noticed other brands and types of passenger cars, mostly compacts, don’t either. I don’t know of any exception to the law that would apply to these vehicles. Just wondering what your take is on this issue.

A: Before I besmirch the good name of Tesla owners, I thought I’d gather some data and see if it confirms your assertion. I conducted an informal observational survey, and my results are as follows: Seventy-one percent of Teslas had a front license plate. Ninety-three percent of non-Teslas had a front license plate. It would seem that Tesla owners, as a group, are more inclined to violate the law that requires a front license plate.

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Right-of-Way on One-Lane Roads

Q: There’s a short stretch of road I travel frequently that is reduced to one lane because part of the road fell into the ocean during a storm. There are stop signs on either end of the one-lane road. Most of the time drivers alternate one car in each direction, but sometimes when several cars are lined up on one end, they’ll all go through at once. Shouldn’t we be alternating? What does the law say?

A: The law says a lot of things about a lot of things, but not much about this. I might even be underselling how little the law addresses this situation. I can’t find any law in the Revised Code of Washington specific to your question. Maybe that’s not surprising. We don’t typically build one-lane roads and expect traffic from both directions. This scenario seems limited to unexpected road failures, construction zones, and one-lane bridges in rural areas.

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Little Motorcycles and Little Humans

Q: I’ve noticed a proliferation of children riding small (but loud!) motorcycles around the neighborhood. Usually up and down the same street until presumably either their fuel runs out or their mother calls them in for dinner. Sometimes they have helmets, sometimes not. What does the law say about this kind of activity?

A: If I were twelve years old and had access to a pocket bike, I’d definitely want to ride it on the road. Twelve-year-old boys are kind of dumb that way. So parents, this one’s on you, both legally and as the responsible adult.

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Red Still Means Stop

Q: Do you need to come to a complete stop before turning right at an intersection when the light is red, if the red traffic signal is located across the intersecting street for vehicles proceeding through the intersection? In other words, do you have to stop before turning right only if the traffic signal light is on the right curb of the right turn lane?

A: The Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD), the official guide book for traffic road signs, markings, and signals, devotes 70 pages to traffic control signals and how they’re configured. It includes over one hundred charts, graphs, and diagrams showing the various approved methods for using traffic control signals. None of them match what you’ve described.

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Low Rolling Resistance Tires Are Not the Law (Yet)

Q: I saw that there was a bill about low rolling resistance tires being required in Washington. I didn’t even know that was a thing. It looks like they’re good for gas mileage but maybe not as good for traction. Is it a good move to require tires that might not be as safe?

A: I have a friend who likes to run. And once she found her perfect shoe, she never deviated. When she worried that the shoe might get discontinued, she stocked up on multiple pairs.

Maybe some drivers feel the same way about their tires and would be heartbroken to know that the factory-installed BF Goodrich All-Terrains on their Hummer H2 don’t make the efficiency cut. For the rest of us, if this bill had passed (and it didn’t this year) it would likely have minimal impact on our lives.

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Leaving Kids Alone in Cars

Q: I don’t know what the Washington State law is, but I watched a police program, state and city unknown, that said a child of six years old can be left unattended in a locked car if not more than 15 minutes. Is that true? 

A: The rules vary from state to state, but it certainly wasn’t Washington. Our state doesn’t have a broad prohibition on leaving kids unattended in cars. Yes, you read that right. We have a couple laws for limited situations, and I’ll get to the details of those shortly, but if you’re not going to a bar or leaving the engine running, (and it feels uncomfortable to write this) it’s currently legal.

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Worn-Out Road Stripes

Q: Has road striping paint changed? When I’m driving at night and in the rain it’s tough to see the lines. It doesn’t seem as reflective as it used to be.

A: You’re probably not looking for a history lesson on road paint, but it’s a cute story so I’m going to tell it. In 1911 Edward Hines was following a milk truck down the road as the truck leaked milk from its cargo hold. The stripe of white milk in the middle of the road inspired Hines, a member of the Wayne County Road Commission in Michigan, to paint centerlines in Wayne County to separate two-way traffic. The folks in Michigan call it the most important traffic safety device in the history of auto transportation. The rest of us think the seat belt claims that title, but it’s still a great idea.

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Drinking in a Parked Car

Q: I know it’s not legal to drive with an open alcohol container in the car, but is it legal for a driver to drink alcohol in a parked car? Assuming the driver doesn’t drink enough to be impaired, have they broken the law?

A: Before I tackle the question about the law, I’d like to clear something up. There isn’t an okay amount of alcohol in your system when driving. Washington’s per se law sets the blood alcohol concentration (BAC) at .08, but a driver can be affected by alcohol at well below that limit. And impairment begins earlier than you might think.

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