Learning to Merge

Q: How are drivers supposed to merge onto the freeway? It seems like most drivers in Bellingham expect to merge into traffic immediately when they enter the on-ramp instead of getting up to speed and “zipper-merging” near the end of the on-ramp lane. Entering drivers seem to think its their right to merge into traffic before getting up to speed and expect other drivers to slow down or change lanes to make room for them, creating hazardous conditions for all drivers in their area. What is the law?

A: With increased summer-time traffic, along with more freeway lane closures as road crews maximize the good weather, summer is the season of merging frustration. Although, as traffic has increased in the Northwest, any day can include merge-induced headaches. We might be able to alleviate some of those headaches if we could all agree on the best way to merge. Whether it’s merging onto the freeway from an on-ramp, as this question poses, or merging due to a lane closure, research shows that there really is a best way. Continue reading “Learning to Merge”

What To Do About “The Wave”

Q: Would you please address the fact that politeness should not trump correct driving rules? I appreciate that people in Bellingham are usually so polite on the roads, but this can also drive me crazy at times. There are so many times that the other driver on the road has the right of way, but stops and tries to get me to move first by waving me on.

A: I’m all for polite and courteous drivers. The last thing we need on the road are drivers that take every perceived error from other motorists as a personal insult and then react as if defending five generations of their family’s honor. That being said, the most polite thing a driver can do is follow the rules of the road. Think of traffic rules not just as a law put in place by the government, but as a shared set of values that drivers rely on to understand each other. Some drivers, intending to be polite, violate these shared values with “the wave”. Continue reading “What To Do About “The Wave””

Why are there school zones without schools?

Q: Why do School zones exist in areas with no school nearby? I have noticed locations on Fraser Street and Orleans Street where it says school zones yet there are no schools nearby. In both of these locations the nearest public school is over a mile away and numerous roads exist closer to the school that aren’t designated school zones.

A: Not that I don’t trust you, but I drove out to the locations you described, and I couldn’t find any schools nearby either. At first I was as puzzled as you, so I reviewed RCW 46.61.440, the state law regarding school zones. I discovered that school zones come in two flavors. Most frequently, school zones are the 20 MPH areas found on roads that border a school. These zones extend up to 300 feet from the edge of the school property. As drivers, we all are (or should be) familiar with these school zones. Continue reading “Why are there school zones without schools?”

Left Turns and One Way Streets

Q: Can you turn left from a two way street onto one way street at a red light after stopping?

A: As strange as it feels, yes you can. There are a few scenarios provided in state law that permit a driver to proceed after stopping for a red light, even while the light remains red. Most of us are familiar with the “free right”, a term not used in the law, but nearly universally understood to mean making a right turn at a red traffic light, after stopping for the light and waiting for an opening in the cross traffic. A free right is usually allowed when turning right onto a two-way street, or when turning right onto a one-way street that is carrying traffic in the direction of the right turn (obviously). There are some intersections that prohibit a right turn on a red light. These intersections have signs that read, appropriately, “NO TURN ON RED”. With the new bike boxes on Bellingham streets, we’re seeing a few more intersections in our community that don’t allow right turns on red lights. Continue reading “Left Turns and One Way Streets”

What’s a HAWK, and How Does It Work?

Q: More education appears to be needed regarding the “HAWKS” on Alabama Street. Two days ago, two police officers in Bellingham patrol cars were observed traveling in opposite directions on Alabama. They both stopped at an activated hawk and were each first in line in their respective lanes. Once the hawk began flashing red and the pedestrians had cleared the crosswalk, the officers remained stopped until the hawk entered the OFF mode. Should they not have proceeded once the crosswalk was clear and the hawk was flashing red?

A: Clearly, if some of our local officers are unsure of how to proceed through HAWK signals, the message of navigating the HAWKs has not penetrated deep enough into the community. The City of Bellingham has some great HAWK-related resources on their website, but I’ll try another way of explaining it that helps me remember what to do at a HAWK. Continue reading “What’s a HAWK, and How Does It Work?”

How Dark is Too Dark?

Q: How dark can window tint be on a car?

A: Maybe it’s about the heat. Maybe it’s about the style. Maybe it’s about the privacy. Whatever the reason, many people choose to tint the windows on their cars. Proponents of window tint point to several benefits; big surprise, I’ll start with safety. Window tint is a thin plastic film that goes on the inside of the glass. In a crash, this film can hold together broken glass that would otherwise fly through the car. By design, auto glass breaks into small chunks that are less likely to cause injury compared to jagged shards of glass from, say, a residential picture window, so while the tint film may help, it’s not as significant a safety feature as it first seems to be. Continue reading “How Dark is Too Dark?”

Traffic Control for Private Organizations

Q: Is it legal for a rent-a-cop to stop traffic on Northwest Road to allow the cars from that big box church to enter Northwest? Just last Sunday, I was stopped to allow two cars to enter the road.

A: First of all, when you used the term “rent-a-cop” I’ll assume you meant “fully commissioned law enforcement officer hired by a private entity for traffic control.” Businesses and organizations often hire law enforcement to provide traffic control services for a limited duration. Marathon organizers hire law enforcement to direct traffic around the running course. House movers hire officers to block intersections as the house moves along its route. In the situation you described, the church generates enough traffic on Sunday morning that it needs traffic control to allow drivers to safely enter the street. If that level of traffic occurred throughout the day, all week long, a permanent traffic signal would be appropriate, but since it’s only for a few hours a week, the church hires a deputy to manage the traffic. Continue reading “Traffic Control for Private Organizations”

Tunnels and Sunglasses

Q: As an eyesight-challenged person, my license requires that I wear corrective lenses. I have either my prescription glasses or sunglasses at all times. Recently I was driving on one of the few gorgeous sunny March days, and I came through a tunnel. A sign read “No Sunglasses”. It seemed like the lesser of three evils to wear the sunglasses. I could A) keep wearing my sunglasses, B) search for my glasses which would distract me from driving or C) take them off and not be able to see at all. My question is did I do what is right/legal?

A: Your question is actually two questions in one: “Is it right?” and “Is it legal?” The legal one is the easiest to answer, so let’s start there. Continue reading “Tunnels and Sunglasses”

Pets on Laps and Negligent Driving

Q: Is it illegal to drive with a pet on your lap?

A: Maybe I should first ask what kind of pet. Are we talking about a sleeping kitten or a Bernese mountain dog that wants a walk? Washington doesn’t have a law that specifically prohibits someone from driving with a pet on his or her lap. I thought maybe I could stretch the “embracing another while driving” law to include pets, but it refers specifically to “another person.” Instead of a pet-specific law, we have a negligent driving law. The negligent driving (second degree) law is the state’s way of saying, “Don’t do dumb stuff while you’re driving.” Continue reading “Pets on Laps and Negligent Driving”

How to Use a Two-Way Left Turn Lane

Q: I recently was waiting in traffic heading west on Barkley Boulevard just before the intersection with Racine Street. I planned to turn left on Orleans and had my left turn indicator on. Three drivers behind me moved into the center turn lane and quickly drove the distance to get the left turn light on Orleans. How soon can one use the center lane to move forward in order to catch the left turn lane?

A: I’m confident that you are not alone in wondering about this situation. While your question stems from an experience at a specific location, your concern applies to many intersections in our region. At peak traffic times, cars may back up for several blocks in busy areas. And for drivers intending to take a left turn, that center turn lane looks pretty tempting, even a few blocks away from the intersection. Before we get too far, I want to point out for readers unfamiliar with the location described in the question that this driver will have to drive through three intersections prior to making that left turn at Orleans. Continue reading “How to Use a Two-Way Left Turn Lane”