It’s not unusual when driving through a city to see a person near an intersection holding a cardboard sign. But it’s pretty unusual for that sign to have a traffic safety message. That’s exactly what I saw today. And since we’re in the midst of distracted driving emphasis patrols, with law enforcement across the state focusing on drivers paying more attention to their phones, food, faces or other distractions rather than the task of driving, the timing couldn’t be better. When I told him I was a fan of his message the sign-holder agreed to a photo. Here’s to proving that anyone with a little motivation can help spread the message of safe driving.

I agree with his sentiment, but I’m not sure this is the best way to address it, especially since he may in fact distract someone from driving by their attempting to read his sign.
I also feel that charity solicitation at busy intersections is inappropriate, since the light may change while a driver is digging in his/her pocket or purse for change. Any engagement with drivers should be by fellow drivers communicating relative information.