Drug Categories and their Common Effects

Have you ever found yourself in a situation where it would have been helpful to know if someone is impaired by drugs? This drug effects chart can help. Originally conceived in a meeting with local bar and restaurant owners, it was developed to help bartenders servers recognize impairment in customers that used drugs prior to coming into their establishments.

The chart is based on the same information that law enforcement officers use to identify drug impairment. Those who have had drug recognition training will notice that this chart leaves out some of the more technical indicators of impairment. Instead, it focuses on the key visual indicators that a person may notice when encountering a drug-impaired person.

Along with bartenders and servers, counselors, teachers and other professionals have found the chart helpful. It can be useful for parents too. No one wants to spot indicators of drug use in their kids or their kids’ friends, but early recognition can lead to early intervention.

Click on the image below to download a PDF version of the chart. The PDF chart is designed to print on 8-1/2 x 14 paper.

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