Mixing Disabled Parking with EV Charging

Q: Can you use a disabled electric vehicle charge station without a disability placard if you stay in your vehicle ready to move for a disabled person? That would be in cases where all the non-disabled spaces are occupied. It makes sense; but what is the law?

A: First, the easy part. Parking for disabled motorists has been around for decades. By now anyone who has been paying attention knows that if you see a parking spot marked with a white wheelchair on a blue background, that’s reserved for folks who have a special placard or plate. It’s rare that I see anyone violate that law, so it seems we have that one mostly figured out. To the few that do illegally park in spots for people with disabilities, you probably don’t care what we think about you, but we do think it.

But what about when you combine an electric vehicle charger with a parking spot marked for persons with disabilities? Does that change the rules? Is it an either/or situation? Can a disabled person with an internal combustion engine park there? Can a non-disabled EV driver charge there? I’ve found lots of recommendations from various organizations, but not a lot of rules.

We’re in an in-between time for electric vehicles; they’re not a novelty anymore, but they’re new enough that we still have some stuff to figure out. That includes making sure that charging stations are accessible for all EV users. As of 2021, Washington requires that new construction projects provide EV charging in ten percent of all parking spots, including ten percent of accessible parking spaces.

Of course, most of the parking lots you encounter today aren’t new. Any EV charging infrastructure would have been added long after they were built, so the new rules don’t apply. Even so, it’s possible that you could find an EV charging site that is accessible for a disabled driver (wider and with walk path markings on the ground) but without the blue disabled sign. Can a non-disabled driver use it?

I was hoping that state law would provide an answer, but I couldn’t find one. However, I found some municipal codes that state, “It is not necessary to designate the accessible electric vehicle charging station exclusively for the use of disabled persons.” Presumably that would only apply in situations where the accessible charging station is not counted in the total require accessible parking spaces (and thus wouldn’t be marked with the disabled sign.)

For years parking lots have had a requirement to provide parking for disabled persons, at a rate of one accessible space for every 25 total spaces. If the EV charging spot also counts as one of the required accessible parking spaces, it should be marked with the required accessible signage, and in that situation you wouldn’t be allowed to charge your EV there without a disabled placard.

Now let’s say there is a row of charging stations and one of them is accessible (but not posted with the blue disabled sign). I’m going to use a bathroom analogy – my apologies up front. If you walked into a public restroom and the only stall left is accessible, well, you have an urgent need, so do what you have to do. But if others are available leave that one for someone who needs it.

The accessible EV charging laws are new (and still evolving). That said, we can always choose to make kind driving (and charging) choices. Follow the law when it’s clear (stay out of spots marked with a disabled sign), and follow your conscience when it’s not.

3 Replies to “Mixing Disabled Parking with EV Charging”

  1. The local grocery chain just painted over the handicapped markings and reallocated the spots for electric charging, without even allocating any spaces as handicapped. They routinely block the entire sidewalk entrance with outdoor patio & barbecue sale items, and rows of grocery carts. When I complained that I couldn’t fit my walker by, they told me to walk in the street to the other entrance . . . .

  2. We just got a £70 fine for parking in a disabled space that now has an electric charging point. The sign at the front of our car states “Disabled parking only” so we parked there but after getting out of the car to kill someone on seeing the ticket when we got back in the car also see a small sign about 8 feet up a pole off the ground in the middle of the multiple EV points stating EV s only. This EV sign is not visible above the windscreen top view when driving into the space.
    Contradiction or not???
    We presume that the moron who issued the ticket watched us park there.

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