Cycling and Texting – Legal, but Foolish

Q: I see bike riders, in traffic, riding with their cell phones up to their ear. Shouldn’t they have to follow the same no-cell-phone laws that vehicle drivers do?

A: “Should they” and “Are they required by law” are two different questions. Despite some drivers refusing to admit it, we have data to show that using a cell phone while driving increases the likelihood of a crash. Talking on a phone has similar crash rates to drivers with a .08 blood alcohol level. Texting while driving has crash rates more like a driver with a .20 blood alcohol level. Continue reading “Cycling and Texting – Legal, but Foolish”

Watch Out For Flying Ice Chunks

Q: Driving on the freeway, my friend and I were following a semi that was divesting itself of its trailer top ice and snow load all over the road. Staying back for a few miles we decided it was done and okay to pass if we did so quickly – wrong. As we passed, the hood and windshield took a huge hit of slabs of snow/ice obscuring vision briefly. We truly thought it would come through the windshield. Fortunately nothing was damaged but our nerves. Is there a law about semi trucks and their trailer top loads of snow? Do we call 911 to report them? It seems incredibly dangerous!

A: You’re fortunate that the ice didn’t come through the windshield. A quick internet search will provide you with some examples of people who didn’t fare as well as you. Ice chunks flying off cars can be dangerous, and we are, as drivers, responsible for whatever falls or flies off our vehicles, whether we put it there or the weather did. Continue reading “Watch Out For Flying Ice Chunks”

Bloody Idiots – PSA Campaign

This PSA comes from Australia, where they tend not to hold back on tragedy in their messaging. It’s part of the Bloody Idiot campaign from a few years ago, and is more tame than some of the others in the campaign (like this one). Not too long ago, I posted the “Bloody Legend” PSA; that one was from New Zealand. Noticing a “bloody” theme from the Australia/New Zealand contingent of traffic safety professionals. Don’t worry, this one doesn’t actually have any blood in it. (But it is sad.)

Your Future Driver License

Q: I have a question about the legality of carrying a photo or digital copy of your drivers license, instead of carrying the physical card. Will the police accept the digital copy as proof of a valid license, or would you get a citation? It would be convenient to have a copy in the phone!

A: You can’t use digital a digital copy of your driver license yet, but you’re anticipating the near future. Digital ID has been a topic of conversation in licensing agencies across the country for a few years now, and soon several states may offer that option. For now, Washington is not one of those states. Iowa has been testing digital licenses with about 100 department of licensing employees, and the state hopes that the technology will be ready for full-scale adoption this year. In another project, the US Department of Commerce is partnering with Idaho, Maryland, Colorado and Washington, D.C. to launch a pilot for digital driver licenses. Continue reading “Your Future Driver License”

You Won’t Get A DUI For Being High On Life

It’s the holiday season, and in the world of traffic safety that coincides with extra emphasis patrols for impaired drivers. DUI patrols are happening all across the state, so I thought I’d share one of the PSAs that we’re using right now to get out the message that DUI is not just for alcohol. Impairment includes legal drugs, illegal drugs and prescription medications. If you’re just high on life, you’re still good to drive. That’ll make more sense after you watch the video.

Pedestrians and Christmas Lights

Q: Recently, I was walking on the sidewalk at night to a grocery store and I crossed the crosswalk at the entrance to the store. As I was walking, a car tried to pull in, and then noticed me, which left her stuck in traffic. She then proceeded to say, “Maybe you should wear bright clothes”. I had a near white jacket on, so I don’t know how much brighter I could of been, unless I wore some Christmas lights around my neck.

My question: Is it required by law to wear bright clothing while walking legally on the sidewalk at night? Isn’t this the responsibility of the driver to look for pedestrians at crosswalks, no matter if it is day or night? Continue reading “Pedestrians and Christmas Lights”

Local Attorney Creates Impaired Driving Radio Spot

Ziad Youssef at is a local attorney who focuses, as you may have guessed from his website name, on traffic law. He’s also the attorney that connected me with Rochelle, the first person featured in the Real Driving Stories series. Ziad has put out a radio spot for the holidays, and his message of keeping your holiday season great by not getting a DUI is right on, so I’m sharing it here:

I know this section of the website is for PSAs, and this straddles the line between PSA and commercial, so I’m counting it. I appreciate when local businesses spread safe driving messages. Which brings me to my next point: If you’re a local business and you have a radio or TV spot or a print add for your business that encourages people to drive safe, I’ll gladly feature it here at TheWiseDrive. We can all work together for safe driving in our community.

Wheelchairs in Bike Lanes

Q: Is it legal for a motorized wheelchair to use the bike lane?

A: Maybe. Let’s start with the story of Ian Mackay. Last August, this man rode his wheelchair from his home in Port Angeles across the state to Portland, OR for a total of 335 miles. Ian rode trails, bike lanes or road shoulders, depending on what was available to him. He has an inspiring story, which you can read at Continue reading “Wheelchairs in Bike Lanes”

Real Driving Stories – Rochelle

Every year during the holidays we launch our impaired driving emphasis patrols and remind everyone of the dangers of impaired driving. Rather than hearing it from me, I thought it would be better to let someone who has experienced a DUI arrest tell her story:

I want to publicly thank Rochelle for her willingness to tell her story. It takes courage, and courageous people change lives. Thanks also to Ziad at for collaborating on this project.