Brake Checking – Dumb and Dangerous

Q: I am seeing more and more brake checking going on. People doing the brake checking feel they wont be responsible at all if they get rear ended. That’s usually the case, but when you brake check aren’t you also an aggressive driver at that point?

A: For those who are not familiar with the term “brake check”, I’ll start by explaining it. In this scenario, it’s not the regular inspection of one of the critical safety system in your car. Instead, we’re discussing a driver who tries to dissuade a tailgater by slamming on the brakes. Continue reading “Brake Checking – Dumb and Dangerous”

Planes vs. Cars – What Can We Learn?

Q: I’ve read that the fatality rate per mile traveled on a commercial plane is much lower than it is when traveling by car. Are there things we could learn from the airlines on how to make our roads safer?

A: There are numerous resources comparing commercial airline safety with driving, and every one of them reaches the same conclusion you stated in your question: Commercial flight is safe. Really safe. In the last seven years no one has died on a US-certificated scheduled commercial airline. Looking back, in 1924, at the dawn of the commercial flight era, airline fatalities were at one death for every 13,500 miles traveled (or 7407 deaths per 100 million miles). In 1960, commercial airlines had a fatality rate of 44 deaths per 100 million miles. In 2015 US airlines flew 7.6 billion miles with a total of, you guessed it, no fatalities. Continue reading “Planes vs. Cars – What Can We Learn?”

What To Do If You Hit A Sign

Q: Say you slide off the road in ice and snow and you take out a directional traffic sign (curve sign.) I think it would be the right thing to do but it is necessary to report this? And, to whom?

A: I love that this question is posed as a hypothetical, but then includes such a specific detail as what type of traffic sign was (hypothetically) struck. It’s like when you go to the doctor with an embarrassing medical question and say, “Hey doc, I have this friend who was complaining of a burning sensation . . .” Maybe it really is a reader’s curiosity and the question just happened to come up during an icy stretch on our roads. Continue reading “What To Do If You Hit A Sign”

Watch Out For Flying Ice Chunks

Q: Driving on the freeway, my friend and I were following a semi that was divesting itself of its trailer top ice and snow load all over the road. Staying back for a few miles we decided it was done and okay to pass if we did so quickly – wrong. As we passed, the hood and windshield took a huge hit of slabs of snow/ice obscuring vision briefly. We truly thought it would come through the windshield. Fortunately nothing was damaged but our nerves. Is there a law about semi trucks and their trailer top loads of snow? Do we call 911 to report them? It seems incredibly dangerous!

A: You’re fortunate that the ice didn’t come through the windshield. A quick internet search will provide you with some examples of people who didn’t fare as well as you. Ice chunks flying off cars can be dangerous, and we are, as drivers, responsible for whatever falls or flies off our vehicles, whether we put it there or the weather did. Continue reading “Watch Out For Flying Ice Chunks”

Bloody Idiots – PSA Campaign

This PSA comes from Australia, where they tend not to hold back on tragedy in their messaging. It’s part of the Bloody Idiot campaign from a few years ago, and is more tame than some of the others in the campaign (like this one). Not too long ago, I posted the “Bloody Legend” PSA; that one was from New Zealand. Noticing a “bloody” theme from the Australia/New Zealand contingent of traffic safety professionals. Don’t worry, this one doesn’t actually have any blood in it. (But it is sad.)

Pedestrians and Christmas Lights

Q: Recently, I was walking on the sidewalk at night to a grocery store and I crossed the crosswalk at the entrance to the store. As I was walking, a car tried to pull in, and then noticed me, which left her stuck in traffic. She then proceeded to say, “Maybe you should wear bright clothes”. I had a near white jacket on, so I don’t know how much brighter I could of been, unless I wore some Christmas lights around my neck.

My question: Is it required by law to wear bright clothing while walking legally on the sidewalk at night? Isn’t this the responsibility of the driver to look for pedestrians at crosswalks, no matter if it is day or night? Continue reading “Pedestrians and Christmas Lights”

Fences, Shrubs and Traffic Laws

Q: My view of oncoming traffic when making a left turn onto a busy street is obscured by a tall fence installed very close to the street. I cannot have a full view of cross-traffic without moving up very close to the busy street. This seems quite dangerous. Are there rules about fences or shrubs blocking views of traffic at corners where drivers are making turns?

A: I think most drivers at some point have encountered an intersection like you’ve described and asked the same question: “Isn’t there a law about this?” If you searched through the traffic section of the Revised Code of Washington you wouldn’t find anything. And if you expanded your search into other sections of the RCW the best you might find is a law that allows the Department of Transportation to remove obstructions from the side of state highways. Continue reading “Fences, Shrubs and Traffic Laws”

Bicycle Rules and Myths

Q: You state that “Target Zero is Washington’s plan to eliminate fatality and serious injury crashes by 2030,” which is laudable. When it speaks of “fatality and serious injury crashes” does that statement include those crashes where bikes are involved? I ask this because here in Bellingham there appears to be absolutely no laws affecting cyclist and their driving behavior.

A: The author of this question continues with a series of situations and statements involving cyclists. I’m going to work my way through the letter affirming laws, dispelling myths and trying to put cycling in perspective with the overall problem of fatalities on our roads. I can’t respond to all of them, but here are the highlights. Continue reading “Bicycle Rules and Myths”

A Distracted Driving PSA With No Cars and No Phones – And It’s Incredible

The first time I watched this PSA, I was a guest in a classroom of high school students. Part way through the video, I could feel the tone of the entire classroom shift. You’ll feel it too. By the end there were students in the class responding  a lot like the students in the video. Powerful. And real.

AT&T has created many excellent distracted driving PSAs through their It Can Wait campaign. I think this is one of their best.