Does adding a celebrity to a traffic safety PSA make it better? We’ve had quite a variety of traffic safety PSAs here in the PSA smash up. Some are gory, some are sentimental, some are sad, some are funny. We’ve even posted a previous celebrity PSA with Helen Mirren (one of my favorites). Ultimately, the goal of a PSA is to get the viewer to change a behavior; in our case, stop dangerous driving behaviors. When Shaq tells you to drive like you give a #&%@, are you inclined listen? Continue reading “Shaq Wants You to Drive Like You Give a #&%@!”
The Cost of Dangerous Driving in Whatcom County
Q: It seems like there have been a lot more serious crashes than normal lately. Is my perception accurate or have crashes just been making the news more often?
A: Unfortunately, your perception is disturbingly accurate. Over the past ten years, we’ve averaged about 15 lives lost due to traffic crashes. In 2015 and 2016, 11 and 12 people died in crashes, respectively. So far in 2017, 20 people have been killed in traffic crashes in Whatcom County. That’s approaching our worst record in over a decade, 21 deaths, which occurred in 2008. And there are still two more months left in the year. These aren’t just numbers. Each data point is a tragedy for the family and friends of the person who died. Continue reading “The Cost of Dangerous Driving in Whatcom County”
Drug Categories and their Common Effects
Have you ever found yourself in a situation where it would have been helpful to know if someone is impaired by drugs? This drug effects chart can help. Originally conceived in a meeting with local bar and restaurant owners, it was developed to help bartenders servers recognize impairment in customers that used drugs prior to coming into their establishments. Continue reading “Drug Categories and their Common Effects”
You Won’t Get A DUI For Being High On Life
It’s the holiday season, and in the world of traffic safety that coincides with extra emphasis patrols for impaired drivers. DUI patrols are happening all across the state, so I thought I’d share one of the PSAs that we’re using right now to get out the message that DUI is not just for alcohol. Impairment includes legal drugs, illegal drugs and prescription medications. If you’re just high on life, you’re still good to drive. That’ll make more sense after you watch the video.
Disturbing Trends in Impaired Driving
When it comes to impaired driving, how are we doing? Since the 1970’s, the message has consistently been, “If you drink, don’t drive,” and “Friends don’t let friends drive drunk.” The laws have become stricter, the penalties have become steeper. But has it worked?
A few years ago I could have confidently answered yes, or at least had an optimistic outlook. We were on track, with fewer fatalities from impaired driving every year. But then the situation changed. What happened? The answer is pretty simple: Continue reading “Disturbing Trends in Impaired Driving”
Impaired Driving: Alcohol vs. Drugs
Recently I was asked if the legalization of marijuana was having an impact on impaired driving. I knew anecdotally, from conversations I’ve had with the law enforcement community, that officers were encountering more drivers impaired by marijuana, and I knew that over the last few years we’ve had a trend of less alcohol impaired drivers and more drug impaired drivers, but I hadn’t taken a close look at the data. Continue reading “Impaired Driving: Alcohol vs. Drugs”