Bloody Legend

It might take a few views to understand the accent in this PSA from New Zealand. Kind of like how it takes the first few minutes of a Shakespeare play to get a handle on the old English. Or trying to follow the hillbillies in Deliverance. But the dialect is intentional; it’s meant to connect with young indigenous men in New Zealand. The audience is specific, but the message is universal: If your friend is too drunk to drive, do something about it.

Holiday impaired driving patrols start this weekend. No matter where you decide to party, whether it’s New Zealand or northwest Washington, be safe and drive sober.

Sleepy? Take A Nap (but not while driving)

Q: My job involves shift work and long hours. Sometimes I’m driving home after being awake for 24 hours. If I fell asleep at the wheel would I be considered impaired? Could I get a DUI?

A: In response your first question, yes, you are impaired. But no, you won’t get a DUI for drowsy driving. Washington’s Driving Under the Influence law is written specifically to address drivers under the influence of “intoxicating liquor, marijuana or any drug”. The law has a narrow scope because it addresses a specific issue. That doesn’t mean that a drowsy driver gets a free pass; just that the DUI law is not the right law to counter this problem. Continue reading “Sleepy? Take A Nap (but not while driving)”

Can I Get a DUI On My Bike?

Q: With the upsurge of breweries in town I have seen more clearly intoxicated bike riders leaving local breweries. Is there a rule about riding your bike while intoxicated?

A: This is a great example of, “Dumb is not the same as illegal.” In Washington, it is not a crime to ride a bike while drunk. The Revised Code of Washington specifically addresses this issue, making it clear that the role of law enforcement is limited, in most instances, to offering assistance to the impaired cyclist. Some states make it a crime to cycle impaired, but not us. In ascending order of intrusiveness, I’ll list the options available to an officer who encounters a drunk cyclist. Continue reading “Can I Get a DUI On My Bike?”

Impaired Driving: Alcohol vs. Drugs

Recently I was asked if the legalization of marijuana was having an impact on impaired driving. I knew anecdotally, from conversations I’ve had with the law enforcement community, that officers were encountering more drivers impaired by marijuana, and I knew that over the last few years we’ve had a trend of less alcohol impaired drivers and more drug impaired drivers, but I hadn’t taken a close look at the data. Continue reading “Impaired Driving: Alcohol vs. Drugs”

BAC Calculator

A Blood Alcohol Concentration Calculator is a helpful tool for estimating BAC, but don’t rely on it for an accurate personal measurement. This calculator factors gender, weight and rate of consumption, but many other factors affect BAC and impairment: Age, fat/muscle content, metabolism, emotional state, medications, food, carbonated drinks, diabetes, alcohol intolerance and drinking history all influence alcohol’s effects. Alcohol impacts each individual differently, and even the same individual will experience different effects depending on changes in influencing factors. When it comes to alcohol and driving, the best approach is to avoid driving after you drink. Continue reading “BAC Calculator”

(Nearly) Impossible DUI Test

In a scene from “The Man With Two Brains” Steve Martin is suspected of impaired driving. Apparently the Austrian police have incredibly difficult impaired driving tests. I’m all for thorough testing, but if I was faced with this test, I’d be going to jail. How about you? Could you do as well as Steve Martin?

Grilling High

The state of Colorado brings us a great PSA about driving high. There are a few things I want to note about this one. To start with, it’s about driving high, but at no point in the entire 30 second spot do we see any driving, or even a car. It doesn’t rely on tragedy to try to change behavior; instead it focuses on an ordinary, real-life situation: a patio barbecue. Watching the stoned guy try to cook the meat, it’s easy to conclude that guy shouldn’t be driving.

It’s Easier Than Ever to Not Get a DUI

I know every month is national something-or-other month, but this one is legit; the president even signed a proclamation. December is National Impaired Driving Prevention Month. All year long, and especially in December, DUI prevention organizations work hard to educate people about the consequences of impaired driving. Around here, the Washington Traffic Safety Commission goes a big step further and hires extra officers all over the state, and their entire job is to arrest impaired drivers. Continue reading “It’s Easier Than Ever to Not Get a DUI”