Traffic Law Vs. Safe Driving

Here’s a question that came up during a recent discussion about some of Washington’s traffic laws: Is obeying the law enough to make me a safe driver? If not, what is the standard?

A while back I had a conversation with my brother-in-law, a skilled carpenter. We were discussing building codes, and he said that if you build your house to code, you have a substandard house. His point was that code compliance is the bare minimum you can do in construction. There are building techniques that exceed code requirements that make your home stronger, more weather-tight, and capable of lasting many more years.

I think the same philosophy applies in traffic safety. We have laws that set the minimum standard for driving, and then we have the actual best practice. Want some examples? I have a bunch.

The first one that comes to mind is distracted driving. Our state law prohibits talking on the phone while driving unless the phone is in hands-free mode. Here’s the thing; the only thing that makes hands-free mode (a tiny bit) safer is that you can have both hands on the wheel. But that’s not where the real problem lies. The problem with talking on the phone is that it distracts your brain from the task of driving. Even though you’re not violating traffic law by talking hands-free, civil courts have rendered multi-million dollar judgments against drivers (and the companies they worked for) who killed or seriously injured other road users while they were complying with the law by talking hands-free but still too distracted to avoid a crash. The best practice is simply not to talk on the phone at all while driving (but you already knew that.)

Then there’s the intermediate driver license or IDL. The IDL has been a great tool for reducing young driver crashes. It has limits on things like the number of passengers a new driver can have in their car and driving at night. But the night driving limitation is from 1 a.m. and 5 a.m., while the crash data indicates that young driver crashes are happening closer to 9 p.m. If you’re a parent, armed with that information you might want to set family rules that are stronger than what the law requires.

While we’re on the topic of young drivers, the law requires a young driver to have an instructional permit for six months before being eligible to get a driver license. I’d argue that a better standard would require a 16 year old with an instructional permit to demonstrate sufficient responsibility before getting a license. How can we measure that? Again, this is where the parents can set the standards. The law may permit a 16 year old to get a license, but not every 16 year old is ready for that responsibility; mom and dad have the power to make that call.

How about speed? The law sets the speed limit on city streets at 25 mph. However, in neighborhoods and urban areas with lots of pedestrians that can be too fast. I’m stating the obvious, but when speeds increase, pedestrian survival rates plummet in crashes. The tipping point is just above 20 mph. If you’re an attentive driver, you might find that you naturally drive slower than 25 mph in some environments, just because you’re trying to give yourself time to respond to a surprise like a kid chasing a ball into the street or a cyclist swerving to avoid a pothole. Some cities have taken action based on the crash data and reduced neighborhood streets to 20 mph, but even if the law doesn’t change where you drive, driving slower than the speed limit when appropriate is the smart and safe decision. Also, I should mention that although we often drive like the posted speed limit is a minimum, the law does clearly state that those big black numbers on the white background are maximums.

I’ve just barely scratched the surface, so this might become a multi-part series. For now, consider this: How you think about traffic laws will influence how you drive. If you think of the law as defining how much you can get away with before you get in trouble you’ll drive differently than if you think of the laws as a shared set of instructions so that we can anticipate each other’s predicable behaviors and get to our destination safely. Then the law becomes the baseline, and we adjust our driving behaviors for safety. Sometimes being a safe driver means our own personal driving standards will exceed the requirements of the law.

4 Replies to “Traffic Law Vs. Safe Driving”

  1. I’ve said several times , the traffic law enforcement officer is the most dangerous driver on the road for the well-being of the experienced driver. The odds are against us with young inexperienced drivers in uniform writing tickets , we have to defend ourselves from them every foot of every mile for the millions of miles we drive. They do learn eventually, but at the expense of some wrongful unjust tickets , that we have to take off work and travel sometimes a great distance to defend ourselves in court. Our exposure is three times greater than the average driver, and not many police have the perspective from a truck seat.

    1. Hi Merrill,
      I appreciate hearing from all perspectives on traffic safety issues, so thank you for your comment. However, it’s unfair to the law enforcement community to leave your comment without a response. You’ve stated that “the traffic law enforcement officer is the most dangerous driver on the road for the well-being of the experienced driver.” Your stated opinion is in conflict with numerous studies concluding that traffic enforcement reduces crashes. You might not like traffic enforcement, but based on the data you’d be wrong to conclude that enforcement is (or by extension the people who do enforcement are) the problem.
      -Doug – The Wise Drive

  2. In South Carolina the law requires that headlights must be on from 30 minutes after sunset to 30 minutes before sunrise. Experience tells me that once the sun sets, visibility is greatly compromised, and remains so until at least when the sun rises. Driving without low beams on during the diminished clarity of twilight just because the law allows it is foolhardy to say the least!

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