The genesis of Road Rules was prompted by a question: Do red cars get more speeding tickets? That question prompted more questions, and soon the Bellingham Herald began publishing a weekly column where readers could ask all kinds of traffic questions; sort of a “Dear Abby” for driving instead of relationships. Over time the column has evolved, and while still primarily driven by reader questions, it also covers current traffic safety issues.
Road Rage and Aggressive Driving - Q: Is it just me, or is aggressive driving and road rage getting worse? A: How bad is road rage in Washington? If you’ve been the victim of it, pretty bad, for sure. And from a broader perspective, the fact that it occurs frequently enough to have a clever name suggests that it’s far too …
Drinking in a Limousine - Q: I know it’s illegal to have an open container of alcohol in a car, so why is a limo allowed to have a bar? A: Before I answer your question, I have one of my own: Why would we craft a law that makes it illegal to have an open container of alcohol in …
You Can Legally Drive That Motorhome, But Should You? - Q: I was in the right lane of a two-lanes-in-each-direction road. An RV came up in the left lane and swung slightly right – wheels still in the left lane, but wide-mounted mirrors extending into my lane. The RV’s mirror passed over my driver’s side mirror by a few inches. If I’d been in a …
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Confusing Left Turns – Too Many Choices - Q: I drive through an intersection, almost daily, that has two left-turn lanes, while the cross-street they turn into has three lanes. There are some dots curving through the intersection that seem to suggest that the inside left-turn lane can choose from the two left-most lanes, and outside left-turn lane should go to the furthest …
The Zipper Merge - Q: I regularly drive through a construction project that often has one of the lanes on the freeway closed. Drivers merge in a single lane a mile ahead and often get angry when people pass them in the unused lane. I even got behind a driver who was straddling the line to prevent anyone from …
Your Headlights are Worse than you Thought - You’re being lied to. I know, that sentence sounds like conspiracy theory clickbait. But the lie I’m talking about isn’t coming from the government, Hollywood, NASA, the educational system, or a cabal of doctors. It’s from your own brain. Next time you drive at night, your brain is going to tell you that you can …
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Snowmobiles on the Road - Q: When the roads get snowy, are snowmobiles allowed to ride on them in town? A: Last week, when our streets were covered with a blanket of snow I saw a monster truck drive through my neighborhood. I don’t mean a jacked up pickup truck with oversize tires sticking out past the fenders a few …
Registering Electric Bicycles - Q: The law requires registration and license plates “to operate any vehicle on a public highway.” Does this mean that electric bicycles need to be licensed in Washington State? Also, in the quote above I note the word “highway”. Does that include city streets and county roads? A: Here’s a paradox. A bicycle is both …
Electric Unicycles – One Wheel Short of a Good Idea? - Q: I saw an electric unicycle on a city street violating various traffic laws. I looked up what I saw online, and some of these unicycles have top speeds of over 50 mph. Do you have thoughts on what kind of vehicle this qualifies as? A: I looked at the website for Inmotion, an electric …
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High Beams and Parallel Roads - Q: What are the rules for high beams on parallel roads or divided roads? Does the 50-foot wide median on the freeway negate the need to dim your high beams for an approaching car? What if the median is full of vegetation or has a wall that divides the freeway? What about a vehicle on …
Skateboarding with Traffic - Q: We live in a neighborhood with sidewalks. Skateboarders are using our streets and speeding down the hills. We have almost hit them by simply driving and being overcome by speeding skateboarders passing us. Is it illegal for them to be using the roads? A: Just for fun, I’d like to add a second question …
How Speed Limits are Set - Q: It’s obvious that many drivers routinely exceed the speed limit in many areas, not just on freeways. So the next logical question is: How are speed limits determined? One would hope that there is some science, not just politics or customary historical norms, that inform the speed limit decision for a stretch of road. …
New Law Increases Penalties for Pedestrian Deaths - Did you know that starting January 1st it is illegal to kill a pedestrian with your car? Hopefully when you read that you thought, “You mean it wasn’t illegal already?” Okay, I admit I’m being a bit sensationalist with that opening sentence. We already have a vehicular homicide law. But we did have a significant …
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Red Light Runners and Green Light Waiters - Q: We are helping our nephew learn to drive. On a recent drive, he was first at a green light, and did not look to see if anyone was running the red light for the cross street before he proceeded. His uncle maintains a crash would be the fault of the red-light runner, and I …
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The Real Test for Impaired Driving - Q: How can a police officer know if a driver is impaired by drugs? With alcohol there are roadside tests like walking a line, and a breath test. Are there similar tests for drug impairment? Alcohol has a .08 limit, and now cannabis has a limit, but are there limits for other drugs? A: It’s …
What to do when the Lights go Out - Q: Yesterday, my neighborhood had a power outage. The traffic light nearby was impacted and had no power. I believe the rule is that you treat a dead traffic light like a stop sign. I was surprised to see everyone I came across treating it like a green light and proceeding through at almost normal …
Right-of-Way for Opposing Drivers - Q: I have never found the answer to this – even in the DMV book. If two cars coming from opposite directions on the same street (without stop signs or traffic signals) want to turn onto the same side street, who has the right-of-way to make that turn first? A: It’s not easy to find …
Should I Trust My Teen Driver? - Q: How much should parents trust their teen drivers to make safe driving decisions? A: Almost every week I respond to a reader question, but this week’s question is mine. I got to wondering after reading a new survey of teen drivers and parents. We’re not always the best at assessing reality. What do I …
Speed Limits in Roundabouts - Q: There’s a freeway exit I sometimes take that ends in a roundabout. The speed limit for the roundabout is 10 mph. When traffic is heavy, it is very risky to enter the roundabout because people do not slow down. Would speed bumps prior to the roundabout get people to slow down or would that …
Riding Bikes in the Dark - Q: I am fearful as a driver, especially during the short daylight time of year when I see so many bicyclists wearing dark clothing, and with no reflectors, taillights or headlights. Are there no laws requiring lights and/or reflectors on bicycles at night and if there are, why are violators not cited by law enforcement …
Tiny Transportation - Q: I’ve seen some tiny car-like vehicles available in Europe (from Citroen and Fiat, for example), called quadricycles. Any chance we’ll see those in the US any time soon? Are they street-legal here? A: I don’t know how interested a car manufacturer like Fiat or Citroen is in importing their tiny quadricycles into a market …
Who Are Bike Lanes For, Really? - Q: What are the rules on what bike lanes can be used for? I’ve scoured state and local codes and can find no mention of this. Surely, they are reserved at least to some degree for bikes. A: Obviously, you can’t drive in a bike lane, right? That would defeat the whole point of having …
Two Right Turn Lanes and Red Lights - Q: I have a question about two-lane right turns. Can you take a right turn on a red light on the outer lane of the two lanes too? Everybody does it, but I’m never sure if I am really allowed to do it. A: For the people who need an answer to this question right …
Should You Know All the Laws? - Q: You’ve mentioned before that the book of traffic laws is very thick. So that leads to what I think is a reasonable question: Is it realistic to actually know all the traffic laws? And assuming it’s not, how can I as a driver be held responsible for laws I don’t know (or even know …
Waiting for Pedestrians - Q: I know that cars need to stop for pedestrians at any intersection whether there is a marked crosswalk or not. But beyond that, when a pedestrian is crossing a street and a car stops, how far across the street should the driver let the pedestrian get before the driver starts moving again? Do you …
Waving for Cyclists - Q: As a cyclist, I find that some drivers try to be nice and stop to wave bicyclists across the road, even when the driver doesn’t have a stop sign and the cyclist does. I don’t want to upset someone by rejecting their generosity, but I also don’t want to break the law or put …
Turn Signals in Parking Lots - Q: Are turn signals required in parking lots? A: Yes, absolutely. I mean, they’re not required by law, but they are a requirement for human decency. It’s like golf. Now, I’m no expert on golf. If you cut off one of my hands I could still count on my fingers how many times I’ve golfed, …
Walking the Wrong Way - Q: Why don’t the police ticket pedestrians walking on the right side of the road with their back to traffic, instead of facing traffic so they can see what could hit them, as required by WA state law? Unfortunately, those hit with their back to traffic believe they should walk on the right. A: I …
When to Pull Over for Emergency Vehicles - Q: Do the cars on my side of the road need to pull over when an emergency vehicle is approaching from the opposite direction? Are there different rules for two-lane vs multi-lane? How about if there’s a median? A: I’d like to believe that when we see an emergency vehicle approaching with lights and siren, …
When Speeding Becomes Reckless - Q: At what point does speeding go from an infraction to a crime? 20 over? 30 over? Double the posted speed limit? A: Are you ready for a Latin lesson? Don’t worry; I don’t know Latin either, except for a few terms in the Revised Code of Washington. And we’re only going to look at …
Passing Tractors in No-Passing Zones - Q: This time of year there are a lot of tractors driving on roads near farms. Is it legal to pass a tractor in a no-passing zone? A: The Roman emperor Marcus Aurelius once said, “The impediment to action advances action. That which stands in the way becomes the way.” This quote has been popularized …
Impaired Driving on a Riding Lawn Mower - Q: Can you get a DUI while driving a riding lawn mower on the road? A: You’ve got the law, and then you’ve got the interpretation of the law. The law would appear to be the easy part, so let’s start there. In Washington, “A person is guilty of driving while under the influence of …
Rules and Philosophy for Passing a Bus - Q: I was on a two-lane road, stopped behind a transit bus at a bus stop that was waiting for a passenger walking fast to catch the bus. A vehicle came up behind me, waited for about five seconds, then passed my car and the bus using the oncoming traffic lane. Were they in the …
Same Road, Different Speed Limit? - Q: I am confused as to why the speed limit signs going into and leaving town are often not across from each other, meaning, I guess, that going one direction it is okay to go 50 mph, while in the other direction the limit is only 35. A: I’m confused too. Especially since you use …
Left Turns in Growing Cities - Q: Here’s the scenario: I’m on a multi-lane arterial intending to take a left turn three blocks ahead. Cars ahead of me that are also turning left have filled the left turn lane and backed up into the two-way turn lane for almost three blocks. Do I pull in after them in the two-way turn …
How Bad is Freeway Speeding? - Q: I recently drove from Blaine to Kelso and back on a weekend. Other than downtown Seattle, the average speed on I-5 was 80 mph in both lanes, and there were vehicles passing me by. Twice, a motorcycle blasted through weaving between cars at over 100 mph. I’ve not experienced this kind of freeway driving …
Your Car Influences Your Behavior - Q: I’ve noticed that very few Teslas display front license plates. And on further revue I’ve noticed other brands and types of passenger cars, mostly compacts, don’t either. I don’t know of any exception to the law that would apply to these vehicles. Just wondering what your take is on this issue. A: Before I …
Right-of-Way on One-Lane Roads - Q: There’s a short stretch of road I travel frequently that is reduced to one lane because part of the road fell into the ocean during a storm. There are stop signs on either end of the one-lane road. Most of the time drivers alternate one car in each direction, but sometimes when several cars …
Little Motorcycles and Little Humans - Q: I’ve noticed a proliferation of children riding small (but loud!) motorcycles around the neighborhood. Usually up and down the same street until presumably either their fuel runs out or their mother calls them in for dinner. Sometimes they have helmets, sometimes not. What does the law say about this kind of activity? A: If …
Red Still Means Stop - Q: Do you need to come to a complete stop before turning right at an intersection when the light is red, if the red traffic signal is located across the intersecting street for vehicles proceeding through the intersection? In other words, do you have to stop before turning right only if the traffic signal light …
Low Rolling Resistance Tires Are Not the Law (Yet) - Q: I saw that there was a bill about low rolling resistance tires being required in Washington. I didn’t even know that was a thing. It looks like they’re good for gas mileage but maybe not as good for traction. Is it a good move to require tires that might not be as safe? A: …
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Leaving Kids Alone in Cars - Q: I don’t know what the Washington State law is, but I watched a police program, state and city unknown, that said a child of six years old can be left unattended in a locked car if not more than 15 minutes. Is that true? A: The rules vary from state to state, but it …
Worn-Out Road Stripes - Q: Has road striping paint changed? When I’m driving at night and in the rain it’s tough to see the lines. It doesn’t seem as reflective as it used to be. A: You’re probably not looking for a history lesson on road paint, but it’s a cute story so I’m going to tell it. In …
Drinking in a Parked Car - Q: I know it’s not legal to drive with an open alcohol container in the car, but is it legal for a driver to drink alcohol in a parked car? Assuming the driver doesn’t drink enough to be impaired, have they broken the law? A: Before I tackle the question about the law, I’d like …
Left Turns and Right-of-Way - Q: When two cars are at stop signs that face each other and have a road going between them that doesn’t stop, does a car going straight have the right-of-way, even if they come to the stop sign after the left-turning car? A: What if I said nobody has the right-of-way? It’s sort of a …
Can We Actually Stop (Some) Dangerous Driving? - This week, instead of answering one of your questions, I have a question for you. But first, I need you on my side. You’re likely familiar with the following quote, sometimes apocryphally credited to Abraham Lincoln: “My right to swing my fist ends where your nose begins.” There’s a 150-plus history of Americans agreeing with …
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It’s Legal to Install Illegal Tires - Q2: Several years ago, the son of a coworker was ticketed for having wheels that stuck out past the fenders. They were installed by the local tire shop. Just yesterday I saw a jacked-up truck with wheels that were at least six inches exposed outside the fenders. Why can tire stores install illegal equipment? My …
School Zones: When The Flashing Lights Don’t Go on Vacation - Q: In a school zone, if the lights are flashing but school is out (like for spring break), does the 20-mph speed limit still apply? A: Sounds like someone forgot to turn out the lights before they went on vacation. Dad’s going to be pretty upset when you all get home. I hope you’re ready …
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Street Art Saves Lives - Q: Lately I’ve driven through some intersections that have artwork painted on the pavement, including some multi-colored crosswalks. I think it looks great, but I wonder if it distracts drivers and makes intersections less safe. And is it legal to paint crosswalks whatever color you want? I thought there were rules that specified the colors …
Visibility and Distraction in New Cars - Q: You’ve written before about A-pillars being a visibility problem, but try being tall with the safety cam in newer cars completely obscuring your vision for its own purposes of viewing and distracting you as a driver! Aren’t there some standards that car companies have to meet about visibility? A: Are we living in a …
The Right Car for a New Driver - Q: In front of my building I saw a shiny Cadillac Escalade, that on closer inspection had fender-bender dings, attempting to parallel park in a too-small space. Oh, I forgot to mention that the rear bumper has a “student driver” sticker on it. That leads me to the question, what vehicles are appropriate for student …
Airbags – Pillow or Projectile? - Q: I have a car with ten air bags. If I get in a crash I’m going to be floating in a balloon-filled cabin. With that many airbags, is the seat belt still necessary? I realize it’s the law, but from a safety perspective how much does it help anymore? A: Not only are airbags …
Left Turns Aren’t So Great - Q: Does a company that requires a right turn only out of its driveway or parking lot onto a public road need a permit to put up said sign? I feel like I’m being discriminated against because I live in the opposite direction of the majority of the employees. A: Right about now all the …
Angle Parking – You Might Not Fit - Q: Can anything be done about these long pickup trucks that park nose-in along the downtown corridor? I’m most concerned about the ones with the steel trailer hitches that stick out into traffic like can openers waiting to slice open any passing car that gets too close. A: Here’s something I find hard to wrap …
The Problem With ADAS - Q: My question is inspired by a near-miss I had with a Tesla driver on the freeway that barged in front of me moving toward the exit, driver on a cell phone with no hands on the wheel. Why doesn’t the law prohibit driver assistance technology from the misnamed “autopilot” all the way down to …
Signaling in Roundabouts – Again - Q: Having recently traveled to Europe it drives me crazy that people here don’t understand signaling in a roundabout. I was taught to signal my intent to exit a roundabout, but 99% of people using roundabouts in Washington don’t signal at all. Perhaps some signage would help? A: So many traffic questions that I receive, …
When Can Police Write a Ticket? - Q: I went to a business and was blocked from parking in a handicapped spot, even though I have a placard. The owner said they had it blocked off for an event. Later I reported it to the police. They said they’d talk to the business owner, but I feel like they’re blowing me off. …
Polite But Maybe Not Safe - Q: I often ride my bike on a route that takes me across an arterial street. I have a stop sign and cross traffic does not. I’m good with waiting for a gap in traffic, but sometimes a car will stop to let me cross. This is polite, but should I go? I’m concerned it’s …
Do We Really Need Traffic Signs? - Q: There are some intersections, usually in neighborhoods, that don’t have any traffic control: no stop signs or yield signs. How are you supposed to handle those? Who yields to whom? And how do the road engineers decide when to use stop signs, yield signs, or no signs? A: What if, instead of limiting uncontrolled …
Car Horns: Safety Equipment or Security System? - Q: Horns are supposed to be safety equipment, right? When everyone honks their horn locking their cars, is this misuse of safety equipment? I’m thinking of a neighbor that honks their horn multiple times every time they park. By law, should car manufacturers be using a different sound so that we still pay attention to …
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Tiny Trucks Still Require License and Registration - Q: My neighbor has been driving a tiny pickup that doesn’t have a license plate. It looks like the kind of truck you’d see driving around inside a factory. I don’t think he has a driver license. Is it legal to drive those on public roads? A: I’m going to change your question a little …
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Off-Duty Traffic Stops - Q: If a cop is driving their police car home, but they aren’t on duty, can they make a traffic stop? And can a cop from one city make a traffic stop in a different city? A: Why does this sound like it’s not just a theoretical question? The short answer: yes, and yes. At …
Speed Limits in Alleys - Q: I see cars going what looks like at least 25 mph in the alley behind where I work. That seems too fast to me. Is there a speed limit for alleys? And if there is, why isn’t it posted? A: Everything has its limits. The maximum speed for the Saturn V rocket was 25,000 …
Blocking the Sidewalk - Q: I read your column on pedestrians being required to use the sidewalk when one is available. Is there any law about cars not being allowed to block sidewalks? As a runner, I am continually running out into the street to go around all the cars parked in driveways that hang back enough to block …
The Making of a Cycling Paradise - Q: I recently learned that that bicyclists have the right-of-way in the Netherlands. I’ve always heard that bikes outnumber cars over there and it is a bicyclists’ paradise. But they have the right-of-way; cars and pedestrians have to give way to avoid getting hit by a bike! Why don’t we do something like that here? …
Right Turn on Red is not a Right - Q: Why don’t some drivers ever take their free right on red? It’s frustrating sitting there behind someone when they could just go. A: I wouldn’t be surprised if some of the people reading this question are cheering you on. I am not one of them. Don’t get me wrong; I’m not entirely opposed to …
Snow-Obstructed Windows (and Violating a Driver’s Rights) - Q: Aren’t drivers supposed to have a clear view out the rear window of their car? I saw someone driving with their entire back window covered in snow. The inability to see behind you is a serious safety issue. They drove past a police car and the officer didn’t do anything. Even if they’re not …
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Would a Refresher Test Save Lives? - Q: I believe that everyone who renews their driver license should take a small ten-question multiple choice test. That way they would review the “Rules of the Road” book from time to time. It is not meant to deny a license, but to sit down and explain to the person the ones they got wrong …
Left Turns and Right-of-Way - Q: There is an intersection that I often use which is a two-way stop, where the arterial cross-street does not stop. Often cars are stopped at both stop signs waiting for the arterial to clear. Normally at a stop sign, the car that arrives first goes first. However, at this intersection, one of the stopped …
Traffic Fatalities and Enforcement Trends - Q: I’m writing in response to data you shared surrounding the increase in traffic fatalities. A question comes to mind: Are there statistics compiled showing overall traffic enforcement, and any trend over the past three to five years? And does that trend in enforcement have any correlation to the increase in fatalities? Call it anecdotal, …
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Turn Signals in Emergencies - Q: What does the law say about using turn signals while needing to perform an emergency maneuver? For example, if I must avoid a head-on collision requiring a spontaneous and immediate response, am I breaking the law if I do not use a turn signal at this moment? A: Right now a bunch of BMW …
Vehicle Lights Reduce Crashes - Q: Both our cars have running lights that come on automatically, but because they aren’t as bright as headlights and don’t turn on rear lights, we tend to drive after manually turning on headlights during daylight hours. Is this any safer? A: I can’t find any research comparing the safety of headlights and daytime running …
Your Driver License and The Right to Travel - Q: I have a friend who is applying for his “right to conduct himself in his personal capacity,” also known as a State National. He’s convinced that once he jumps through all the necessary hoops, he’ll be able to get a new car from the dealership and that he needs no driver license, license plates, …
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Where’s My Digital Driver License? - Q: Many states allow for a digital driver license (DDL). I checked with Washington Department of Licensing (DOL) over a year ago when I read about Arizona’s program allowing DDLs, and their answer was that there were no plans. Even Louisiana, not commonly a leader in digital matters, has it, but Washington seems hesitant. Do …
Traffic Enforcement and Loud Mufflers - Q: Seems to me, it’s far more common to hear a motorcycle (and sometimes cars or trucks) from what could be a mile away, than to see one. I don’t think any agency uses decibel meters anymore. I believe the law prohibits modifying the exhaust from stock. So my question is: what enforcement, if any, …
Private Roads are not NASCAR Tracks - Q: Is it legal to drive on private property if I have a suspended license? A: A few weeks ago, NASCAR driver Kyle Busch got his license suspended in his home state of North Carolina after driving 128 mph in a 45-mph zone. Pause for a moment and re-read that. Yes, that’s almost triple the …
Is it Really an Electric Bike? - Q: What are the rules about electric bikes and electric scooters? We have them riding down the roads and sidewalks and now some of them are doing 45mph. Do riders need a motorcycle endorsement and vehicle registration? What about safety equipment? A: An electric bike that can go 45 mph is a fictional vehicle. At …
Passing Horses on the Road - Q: How should cars and horses share the road? Some horse people say drivers should slow down to five mph and give a wide berth to the horses so they don’t freak out and throw the riders. I was told by someone else that drivers can be ticketed if they move into the opposite lane …
Speeding Police Cars - Q: Is it lawful for police vehicles to exceed posted speed limits without having their emergency signals activated? A: Years ago in a former career I was a freshly minted deputy sheriff, ready to protect and serve, and set a good example of safe driving. I made a commitment to always follow the speed limit. …
No-Passing Zones - Q: Are there rules for where no-passing zones have to be placed? Is it just totally to the discretion of traffic engineers or are there regulations to follow? I ask because I find it rather odd that not all intersections are worthy of a no-passing zone. A: If it turns out that the determination for …
Dealing with Dual Yields - Q: Who has the right-of-way if one direction of traffic has a “right turn yield” and the opposite has “left hand yield on green”? People always act like they have the right-of-way going in both directions, often nearly causing crashes. A. In life (and in driving) we’re in an ongoing pursuit of understanding. At the …
Flashing Headlights (on Bicycles) - Q: Is it legal to have a strobe light on the front of your bicycle? In my experience, the strobe light is distracting and dangerous, and cyclists need to realize that while the driver is distracted by the flashing light, everything else disappears. Like a moth to a flame, drivers are drawn to flashing lights …
Construction Zone Speed Limits - Q: In a construction zone with a speed limit of say 35 mph, where the speed limit is normally 55, once through the construction when does the speed limit change back to 55? Is it at the “end road work” sign, or not until you see the next 55 mph sign, which could be miles …
Illegal Traffic Signs - Q: I was on a state highway and saw what I thought was a stop sign posted on the side of the road, not near an intersection. As I got closer, I saw that the sign actually said “shop” and was in front of a store. Other than the change from ‘t’ to ‘h’ it …
Your Car Sounds Like a Spaceship - Q: Do electric cars have a sound added to them? I heard one drive past me the other day and it sounded like something from Star Wars. A: In 1886 the Benz Patent Motor Car made its debut as the first car powered by an internal combustion engine. Ever since then, nearly every car you’ve …
Driving with Earplugs - Q: I have an old car with broken air conditioning, and I’ve found that driving with the windows down hurts my ears (and I’m concerned with long-term hearing loss). I assume people with convertibles might suffer this same issue. Is it legal to wear earplugs while driving? And if so, do you recommend anything in …
Adjusting Your Mirrors - Q: How do you properly adjust your side mirrors? I think most people adjust them so they can see the side of their own car, but I read something years ago where you should adjust your mirrors outwards which will more effectively cover their blind spot. Is there a recommended method? A: Yes, there is …
A Flag Refresher for the 4th of July - We’re hours away from our most patriotic day of the year, so here’s one from the archives for anyone planning to fly the flag on a moving vehicle.
Avoiding the Right Hook - Q: I just heard about something called a ‘right hook,’ and that’s a situation I want to avoid. Can you explain how to make a right turn when there’s a cyclist on the road? A: Right now all the boxing fans reading this (they’re a big part of my demographic) are confused; what does a …
Polite Signs, Please - Q: It seems like some of our road signs, for example the signs telling slow drivers to pull over if they’re delaying traffic, just aren’t working. Can we add some extra signs that encourage drivers to be courteous to other drivers? A: Before I respond to that question, I think we should start with a …
Parking on a Hill - Q: I’ve heard some conflicting information on how to turn my wheels when parallel parking on a hill. Do I point them toward or away from the road? A: Here’s what I like about this question: it goes beyond what is required and asks what is best. Traffic laws specify the bare minimum requirements for …
Making a Proper Turn - A: I was taught, and the driver’s guide says, that when you’re turning left or right, you’re supposed to “turn into the lane closest to the one you came from,” and, “once you have completed your turn, you can change to another lane if you need to.” Is that just good advice, or is it …
GPS Is Making Us Dumber - Q: Is it considered distracted driving if I hold my phone to use maps? My car GPS is awful! A: Our brains are shrinking. And GPS is to blame. At least that’s the conclusion of a study on what happens to us when we depend on our GPS to get us where we’re headed. You’ve …
Seat Belts Save Lives (and Money) - Q: You say that seat belts save lives, but have you considered that those involved in a fatal crash don’t need extensive medical care? It’s the non-fatalities through use of seat belts that often require extensive and costly medical services. A: It sounds like you’re suggesting that the reason we shouldn’t use seat belts is …
Blinking Brake Lights - Q: I’ve seen a few vehicles where their brake lights flash a few times when they first come on. It certainly gets my attention. Is that something available in new cars, or is it an aftermarket product? And if so, is it legal? A: Assuming you’re not sending me this question from somewhere in Europe, …
Escaping From Tailgaters - Q: What is the appropriate, safe, and legal response when I am travelling in a center lane, at the speed limit, boxed in by other traffic, and a non-emergency vehicle speeds up behind me and starts flashing its high-beams? A: What do you already know about the driver this person is asking about, just from …
We Should All Retake our Driver Exam - Q: I recently had a near-crash involving an older driver who probably shouldn’t have been driving based on his poor vision. Why don’t we require older drivers to take a driver test to keep their license? A: I’m willing to go one further: Why don’t we require everyone to periodically take a driver test to …
Yes, You Have to Use Your Turn Signal - Q: I have a question that doesn’t seem to be either legal or illegal, but more of a right thing to do. When you face a situation in two-lane traffic where you must enter the lane of oncoming traffic, is it necessary to signal that you’re moving back into the correct lane again? For example, …
Mixing Disabled Parking with EV Charging - Q: Can you use a disabled electric vehicle charge station without a disability placard if you stay in your vehicle ready to move for a disabled person? That would be in cases where all the non-disabled spaces are occupied. It makes sense; but what is the law? A: First, the easy part. Parking for disabled …
Your Phone is Probably Your Worst Distraction - Q: Why are the police focused on people on their phones, but not on other kinds of distraction? If I can get pulled over for holding my phone, shouldn’t other drivers get pulled over for holding a coffee? A: If you were going to rank crash risk by the type of distraction involved, what would …
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The Line for Changing Speed Limits - Q: My question is about speed limit signs. When I see the sign does it mean I go that speed now or when I get to the sign? I’ve driven for thirty years and often wondered about that. A: When a speed limit changes, the new speed limit takes effect at the location of the …
Preventing Billboard Dystopia - Q: In our city of Kennewick there are several large signs near the street that include bright white lights at night. One is a large LED sign that flashes from subdued colors to mostly bright white, giving your eyes no time to adjust. Another has bright white lights that all blink at the same time, …
Embracing The Safe System Approach - Q: I appreciate your appeal to people to improve safe driving behaviors but the framing about human error implied that it is the sole reason for traffic fatalities. Was that your intention? If so, this doesn’t fit with what I am hearing from the NTSB, USDOT, or WSDOT about the Safe System Approach. What about …
Keeping Your Distance – Count Me In - Q: What’s the appropriate following distance when you’re behind another car? Four seconds? Two seconds? Or a specific number of car-lengths? When does it become tailgating? A: It depends. That’s not a helpful answer, is it? Washington law states that a driver “shall not follow another vehicle more closely than is reasonable and prudent,” which …
A Few More Times When it’s Okay to Stop in the Road - Last week I was accused of reinforcing ignorance for what I wrote or, more accurately, didn’t write about stopping in a roadway. And the person had a point. In case you missed it, I stated that “If you’re not coming up to a stop sign or traffic light, following the directions of a police officer, …
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Brake Checking is a Menace - Q: On my morning commute I often find myself behind a certain car that comes to a complete stop, not at stoplights, to let other cars enter from side roads and driveways. Ostensibly, the driver is doing this to be polite, but she’s really backing things up. The other day another car honked at her …
Are Vehicle Safety Inspections Worth It? - Q: As someone who recently moved to Washington, I was surprised that there are no safety inspections. Wouldn’t we all be safer if all the cars on the road had properly operating lights and regulation equipment? Why are there no safety inspections as in other states? A: Yes, vehicle inspections increase safety, but we can’t …
Parking in the Center Turn Lane - Q: I often see trucks parked in the center turn lane and unloading cargo. I also see truck trailers parked in the center turn lane in rural areas after unloading heavy equipment. What are the rules? Can just anyone park in a center turn lane and conduct business or unload items? A: A thought popped …
Signaling for Other Drivers - Q: When coming up behind someone who is signaling to turn left (into a driveway or at an uncontrolled intersection) and stopped waiting for cross traffic to clear, I turn on my left turn signal as well, even though I won’t be turning. When the other car turns, I turn off my signal and go …
Moving to .05 to Prevent Impaired Driving - Unless this is the only news(ish) article you read each week, you’ve likely at least seen a headline about the bill that would lower our state’s impaired driving per se Blood Alcohol Content (BAC) level to .05. This is such an obviously good idea that no one could possibly disagree (he says with misplaced confidence.) …
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Making Headlights Too Bright - Q: What is the enforcement protocol for aftermarket lights installed on cars and trucks? Where I live there are numerous vehicles that have swapped out stock headlights with bulbs that are blazingly blinding to oncoming traffic. In European countries, these cars would never last a day on the roads as they take vehicle safety more …
What to do About Backseat Drivers - Q: When I drive with a certain person in the passenger seat, they’re always telling me to watch out for brake lights, check my speed, back off from the car in front of me, and so on. I think I’m a good driver and they’re overreacting, but I don’t want to start a fight. How …
Passing Parking Cars - Q: Here’s the situation: I’m parallel parking on a two-lane road with a double centerline, so no passing, right? Is it legal for a car to pass me as I’m parallel parking, or do they have to wait until I’m out of the lane? A: Let’s start with what we know. Two yellow lines down …
Where’s My Robot Car? - Q: Wasn’t it like ten years ago that Elon Musk promised we’d have fully autonomous cars in five years? When am I going to get a car that can drive me around? A: It’s easy to poke fun at Elon Musk, since he’s the loudest person to be wrong about autonomous cars, but he’s not …
Navigating Backed Up Off-Ramps - Q: Traffic on the freeway has increased over the years and now exiting traffic sometimes comes to a stop in the traffic lanes of the freeway. It’s really scary to have to come to a stop and see traffic piling up behind me. I almost feel like staying in the left lane and taking the …
The Myth of the Dangerous Deaf Driver - Q: There is a commercial on TV featuring a deaf driver. Are deaf people allowed to drive, or are they restricted because of their hearing loss? A: Perhaps you saw the car commercial featuring Kris Martin, a six-time National Kart Champion, NASCAR, and Le Mans professional race car driver who is deaf. If so, I …
What About (Not So) Slow-Moving Vehicles? - Q: I’ve always wondered about the five-car rule when you are driving the speed limit. I pull over as I don’t like being in front of aggressive drivers, but is that illegal too, when you aren’t technically a slow-moving vehicle? A: Sometimes a question, instead of prompting an answer, generates more questions. It’s like asking, …
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Listen to Your Pharmacist – Medications and DUI - Q: I just had surgery and I was prescribed some pain killers that say, “Do not drive a motor vehicle or operate machinery.” I’m sure that’s good advice, but is there any law that I’m breaking if I drive after taking my medication? A: Who do you visualize when I say, “Impaired driver?” If you …
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Left Turns in a Roundabout? - Q: Can you please write about signaling at traffic circles? I rarely see anyone signal to make a right or left turn. It causes confusion when trying to enter a traffic circle because one has to almost guess whether someone coming from the other side of the circle is going to go straight or make …
The Proper Way to Turn Left - Q: I was recently told by a friend that the proper way to make a left hand turn at a stop light was to proceed into the intersection when the light turns green, then wait until oncoming traffic has cleared and make your left turn, even if the light has turned red. (He kept saying …
Getting Good at Not Skidding - Q: What should I do if my car starts to skid on ice or snow? A: Many years ago, I learned a valuable principle from a defensive tactics instructor. He said, “If you don’t want to get hit, don’t be there.” His advice was intended for physical confrontations, but metaphorically it works in a lot …
Why You Shouldn’t Disable Your Airbag - Q: I drive an Escalade. It’s a tank. My airbag went off in a collision and it almost killed me. I think I should have the option to disconnect it. It’s my car. Many other cars don’t have it. Why should I? A: I’d like to start with a different question. Does the jurisdiction responsible …
Picking the Right Lane - Q: When driving on a four-lane road through a neighborhood, is it safer to drive in the left lane and risk a head-on collision, or the right with less space to react to people or objects unexpectedly entering the roadway? A: There’s that scene in Empire Strikes Back when Han Solo is trying to evade …
Emergency Vehicles at Traffic Lights - Q: If one is stopped at a traffic light on a street with a middle divider, what are you supposed to do when an emergency vehicle, sirens blaring, approaches from behind? To clear the way, you would have to run the red light. A: The law, of course, is clear on how to handle a …
The Real Speed Limit - Q: Something that has not made sense to me since I started driving (49 years ago) is the apparent discrepancy in the posted speed limit (for example 50 mph) and the cautionary speed signs entering sharp turns (say 35 mph). My understanding is that it is legal to fly (unsafely) around the 35 mph corner …
Watch for all Kinds of Pedestrians - Q: When people walk along roadways, they should wear bright clothes and carry lights at night. Today black seems to be the dominant color, and that is plain dumb and dangerous. Also, people should walk facing traffic, so why do I often see pedestrians walking on the wrong side of the street? A: You’re mostly …
Getting To Know a New Car - Q: When leaving an evening wedding, I followed a car driven by my grandmother. She had borrowed the car, so she was unfamiliar with it, and was driving without the lights on. I had no clue how to alert her to turn on her lights. Can you think of any way I could have helped?A: …
What Does That Whistle Mean? - Q: I’m curious about why trains use a Morse code signal when approaching crossings. A: For anyone confused by that question, next time you’re waiting at a railroad crossing listen to the train’s horn. It’s a long-long-short-long signal. That corresponds with the letter Q in Morse code. What’s the connection? Probably none, but that’s not …
Collector Plates are not a Top Crash Factor - Q: As I understand it, cars with collector vehicle license plates cannot be used for regular transportation, commercial purpose or carrying a load. I regularly observe collector plated vehicles at grocery and home supply stores. Last week I camped next to a Collector plated VW van. Is this a no priority enforcement situation? A: My …
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Navigating Traffic Signals when the Power is Out - Q: Can you explain how drivers are supposed to proceed at a busy intersection when there is a power outage? On Wednesday there was an intersection with all the lights out, and I witnessed a significant number of potential crashes from drivers not yielding when they were supposed to. How can we make sure that …
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Right Turns on a Red Arrow - Q: Is it legal to turn right on a right red arrow after stopping? I often see drivers doing this, but it seems that if it were legal to turn right after stopping, there would just be a red light and not a red arrow. A: The steady red arrow feels much more personal, doesn’t …
Walkers and Riders (and Robots) on the Sidewalk - Q: Since pedestrians and bicycles share sidewalks who has the right-of-way? I was at a sidewalk intersection and almost didn’t see the bicycle speeding toward me. At 80 years it is not easy to make an abrupt stop. When I chided the rider as he swept past me his reply indicted he thought he had …
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Passing (and Not Passing) School Buses - Q: If a northbound school bus on a four-lane road stops to drop off kids before an intersection and I’m traveling south and intending to turn west, do I have stop for the bus What if it’s raining and I’m parallel to train tracks? And how many 3rd graders does it take to change a …
Impairment and the Mellanby Effect - Q: I’ve seen “plan ahead” messages to prevent impaired driving. They suggest having a designated driver, calling a cab, or letting someone sleep on your couch, which are all good, but might not be an option. Why don’t they suggest sleeping it off in your car? A: I have an additional question that I think …
Insurance for New Drivers - Q: My son has his learner’s permit. Do I need to get him an insurance policy now, or do I wait until he has his driver license? A: There’s actually a simple, law-based answer as to who needs insurance: everyone who drives*. The law states (edited for readability and brevity), “No person may operate a …
Do Group Motorcycle Rides Get Special Rules? - Q: I recently ran into a horde of motorcyclists, and by horde I’m talking 50-60. At cross streets, one motorcycle would block the intersection and the rest would drive through. Red lights were ignored. What’s the police ruling on this? A: I wonder, do groups of motorcyclists like being referred to as a horde? (The …
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The Problem With Angle Parking - Q: Backing out of angle parking is tricky. Without the aid of backup cameras (or even with them), if the person backing up is hit by oncoming traffic, who would be at fault? This assumes oncoming traffic is not speeding, texting, or otherwise doing something that could contribute to the crash. A: Before we get …
Driving Suspended on Private Property - Q: Can a police officer give a ticket for driving with a suspended license on private property? A: There are a lot of things you can legally do in a vehicle on private property that would be clear violations of the law on public roads. Driving suspended is not one of them. If you were …
Turning into the Correct Lane - Q: Here’s the situation: I’m at an intersection intending to turn left. The road I’m turning on to has two lanes in each direction. Across from me there’s a car that’s turning right (their right), so we’re both turning onto the same road. Since there’s two lanes, can I proceed to turn into the nearest …
To Pass Or Not To Pass - Q: Could you explain how drivers should handle passing cyclists on two-lane roads with a double yellow? Some stretches go for miles so drivers have to pass them at some point. Honking seems rude but they never pull over to let drivers pass. A: I agree; honking does seem rude. It’s also not a great …
Stopping For Pedestrians - Q: What is the law for how long you are supposed to stay stopped when someone in a crosswalk has passed in front of you and is near the sidewalk on the other side of the street? I asked this because almost daily I will be behind a car that waits until the person is …
On The Verge Of A Merge - Q: Recently I was merging onto the freeway, and as I got up to freeway speed on the onramp I found myself next to a car already on the freeway going about the same speed as me. I slowed down to merge behind the car, but that driver slowed down to be kind and let …
U-Turns: Be Careful Where You Attempt Them - Q: At some intersections, and even some mid-block locations, I see no U-turn signs. I thought U-turns were generally illegal, especially mid-block. If that’s true, then why post no U-turn signs? A: I once saw a bumper sticker that said, “God allows U-turns.” Either that’s a metaphor or God hasn’t gotten through to the law …
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National Secure Your Load Day - June 6th is National Yo-Yo Day. When I was eleven I became obsessed with yo-yos. But when you get older you realize you can have a yo-yo, and you can have a girlfriend, but you can’t have both at the same time. You’re probably wondering about a connection between yo-yos and traffic safety. June 6th …
Seat Belts For Dogs - Q: Why is it that adults and kids all have to wear seat belts, but dogs can roam around in a car? Shouldn’t there be a seat belt law for dogs? A: The only law I’m aware of that specifically requires a dog to be restrained pertains to animals being transported on the “outside part …
Window Tint, Oversized Tires, and Dumb Sunglasses - Q: Two questions: Is it illegal to have darkened forward windows in a car? Is it illegal to have oversized tires on a pickup truck such that the tires extend wider than the truck body? I see a lot of these situations and I wonder if they are illegal, and if so, why there isn’t …
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It’s Never Too Slow For A Seat Belt - Q: Is there a speed at which wearing a seat belt isn’t important because I’m going slow enough to where I won’t get hurt? A: I’m pretty sure that if I answered this question with an actual number there would be people out there who treat it as a rule: “Oh, I don’t put on …
Yielding at Stop Signs and Getting Stuck at Intersections - Q: Can you explain the new safety stop law for bikes? Also, what are bike riders supposed to do if they’re at a traffic signal and the sensor in the pavement doesn’t ever notice that the bike is there? A: Based on email I’ve received and conversations I’ve had, it seems there’s some confusion about …
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Wheeled All-Terrain Vehicles on Public Roads - Q: Occasionally I see a larger off-road vehicle cruising through my neighborhood and recently I saw one being driven on State Route 509. It appeared to have a motorcycle sized license plate attached. In and of itself it doesn’t bother me but I noticed that these vehicles have no fenders or any way to stop …
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Motorhome: Is It A Truck Or A Car? - Q: When we drive our 45-foot motorhome on the freeway, are we supposed to be going the car speed limit or the truck speed limit? A: The truck speed limit sign is a little misleading; or if not misleading, at least incomplete. Of course, it’s impossible to put the full RCW up on a street …
Wheelchairs On And Off The Sidewalk - Q: How does someone in a wheelchair follow the law about using sidewalks if a sidewalk doesn’t have any sort of ramp to make it accessible for a wheelchair? A: This question provides an opportunity to note the progress we’ve made in the area of mobility for people with disabilities. Do we have room to …
Yielding to Transit Buses - Q: The back of transit buses have a flashing yellow light and a “Please Yield” sign, so I yield for them when they are pulling out of bus stops, but I see that many drivers do not. Is the “Please Yield” a request for drivers to be polite, or is it the law? A: You …
Why We Don’t Believe Distracted Driving Data (And Why We Should) - Q: I’ve heard the Traffic Safety Commission talking about how most drivers aren’t driving distracted (something like nine out of ten.) I find that hard to believe. When I look around I see people on their phones all the time. How’d you get those numbers? A: Before I explain how we got the numbers, let’s …
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The Right Way to Make a Multi-Lane Change - Q: Sometimes while driving on a freeway with three or more lanes I’ll see another driver change two or more lanes at once. I was under the impression that you’re only supposed to change one lane at a time. Is it legal to do a multi-lane change? A: I don’t really want to answer this …
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The Risks of Drowsy Driving - Q: I was reading about how a lack of sleep affects our brain, and it got me wondering how it affects our driving. What kind of data are there around drowsy driving? A: As I write this it’s the Monday after setting the clocks forward an hour. I feel like I started my day a …
Babies in the Carpool Lane - Q. Are babies considered a person when it comes to carpool lanes? Can a single driver and an infant count as a two-person carpool? A: In 1974 Washington established carpool lanes for “efficient utilization of the highway” and “conservation of energy.” (This was the peak of the oil crisis.) The strategy was simple: reduce traffic …
Headlights All The Time - Q: I have noticed a high number of cars and trucks without their lights on in bad weather. But here’s the thing – about 75 percent of them are black, dark blue, dark gray – the color of wet asphalt. I’m clueless about why people with dark-to-black cars see no need to turn their headlights …
The Limits of Riding E-Bikes on Trails - Q: Can e-bike riders use city and county trails? A: Sometimes when I get a question I like to imagine the sentence before the question. For example, the lead-in to this one could be, “I have a new e-bike, and now I’m trying to figure out where I can ride it.” Or, it could be, …
Red Light Cameras – How Stopped is Stopped? - Q: At an intersection with a red light camera, what is the period of time required by the camera to be considered a complete stop before making a right turn on a red light? A: There’s a story behind this question, isn’t there? Did anyone else read that question and think to themselves, “Someone just …
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Politeness Is Not A Crime - Q: What am I supposed to do when the person who has the right-of-way is “polite” and tells me to go? If something goes wrong won’t I be responsible? I’d rather they just go. A: A few years back a PEMCO insurance commercial captured what you and many other folks have felt about the too-polite …
Calling 911 for Dangerous Drivers - Q: What action should one take when witnessing severe unsafe driving? For example, on a recent trip I saw a semi truck repeatedly cross traffic lanes, three motorcycles drive in between lanes and cars through traffic, and two cars race ahead at 80+mph. Should these incidents just be ignored? Do you call 911 to report …
Using Your Hazard Lamps (When You’re The Hazard) - Q: One time I helped a person drive home a car that could not achieve the speed limit. The road was two-lane and curved. I put on my emergency flashers, concerned that some speeding driver would come from behind. The only car around was a WSP trooper who pulled me over and made me turn …
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Vehicle Paperwork – Safe Ways to Stay Legal - Q: We’ve had a lot of car break-ins in our area lately. An obvious course of action is not to leave valuables in the car. But what about paperwork like registration and proof of insurance? Removing documents every time you leave their vehicle seems like a recipe for an awkward moment when you forget them or …
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Frequency Illusions, Perception Gaps, and Safe Driving - Last week I mentioned something called a frequency illusion, and I accused it of contributing to negative driving behaviors. I feel I should explain. For those that missed it, a frequency illusion happens when something you just discovered starts showing up everywhere. Frequency illusion is often benign, like when you buy a car and then …
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Too Far and Too Close – Stopping at Intersections - Q: As a driver coming from a different state, one of the first things I noticed here is that the cars seem so spread out at stop lights. I was taught to pull up fairly close to the vehicle in front of you to make room for other vehicles on the road. I’ve seen people …
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The Two-Way Turn Lane Is Not For Passing - Q: Imagine it’s another slow drive home and, as usual, you’re backed up in traffic, waiting for your chance to swing into the left turn lane and (hopefully) leave the congestion behind. Other drivers are obviously thinking the same thing, except they’re whizzing past you, using that long two-way left turn lane as a passing …
Two Left Turns – The Dance of the Intersection - Q: Scenario: I’m making a left turn at an intersection (across oncoming traffic). There is an oncoming vehicle doing the same. (We’re now pointing at each other in the intersection.) Do we pass each other and then turn? Or turn before we pass? Sorry this is hard to describe — it’s also hard to deal …
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Sharing The Bike Lane With Walkers - Q: I live in an area where bikes lanes are present on both sides of the road, but there are no sidewalks. I was taught to always walk against car traffic. That also means walking against bike traffic. If I see a bike coming, I edge to my left to allow them to pass me …
We’re All Part Of The Impaired Driving Solution - This week I’m turning things around a bit. Usually you ask the questions, but this time I’m going to do it. Or more accurately, I’m going to repeat a question that Washington Traffic Safety Commission asked: “What have you done to stop someone from driving drunk or high?” Folks responded, and their answers are worth …
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Stopping For Pedestrians: You Should Do It. - Q: I frequently see vehicles stop in moving traffic to allow pedestrians to cross outside a crosswalk. I know they are just being courteous but doesn’t that create a more dangerous situation for the pedestrian? Can you advise us on the rules of crossing and when it’s appropriate, if ever, to go outside them? A: …
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Towing in Ice and Snow - Q: What are the rules for towing a trailer over the pass when there’s snow or ice on the roads? And beyond the rules what advice can you give? I suspect the real concern is trailers on ice, since they may not want to follow the tow vehicle. A: I just checked mountain pass conditions …
Turn Signals In Dedicated Turn Lanes - Q: Using turn signals to signal a turn or lane change is required. But what if the vehicle is in a dedicated turn lane? While using a turn signal might add a small degree of safety, what is required? A: I can see the logic here. If you’re in a lane where your only option …
Headlights, Taillights, Turn ‘Em On - Q: I have questions about lights. For years cars and trucks have been made with a third/center stop light. I see many vehicles on which this light no longer is working. Is this legal? Also, most newer cars come with daytime running lights. Are there any requirements to have these on? A: The internet believes …
Two Rights Aren’t Always Right - Q: When there is an intersection with two right turn lanes, are both lanes allowed to turn right on red after stopping? And can drivers change lanes during the turn when both lanes are going the same direction? In my experience, the drivers changing lanes toward the left as they turn are completely oblivious to …
When and How to Slow Down and Move Over - Q: I know there’s a law about slowing down and moving over for emergency vehicles, but can you explain what that means? Do I slow down and move over, or is it one or the other? And what constitutes an emergency vehicle? Is it just the ones that come when you call 911 or anything …
Getting Rid Of Roadside Junk - Q: Who determines when freeway shoulders get cleaned? I see debris including broken bikes, mattresses and tires, not to mention lots of small litter and detritus along my commute each day. A: Maybe the best place to start is by acknowledging the magnitude of the problem. Every year the Department of Transportation (DOT) spends over …
White Canes, Guide Dogs and Safe Driving - Q: If I’m driving and I see someone at an intersection with a white cane or a guide dog, is there anything I should do differently than when I encounter any other pedestrian? A: I can show you the law, but I’m no expert on this topic, so I talked with someone who has experienced …
Pocket Bikes – Not Even Close To Legal - Q: My son just told me he got a ride from a friend on a mini-motorcycle. It’s got a 49cc motor and looks like a regular motorcycle but much smaller. Are those legal? And if so, is there an age requirement for them? My son and his friend are 14. (And they weren’t wearing helmets.) …
Getting Your Headlights Right - Q: I’m curious to know if there are any standards for car headlights as to intensity, angle and color. When I drive night I see cars which have very bright lights (as opposed to just high beams) and some cars with a range of colors (white, yellow and even a tint of blueness). If you can shed …
Short-Stopping: Where’s The Line? - Q: I sometimes see drivers at four-way stop intersections short-stopping (coming to a stop well before the stop line). It seems to me like a jerk move; they do it so that they stop before the rest of the drivers because whoever stops first is the next to go through the intersection. Is that legal? …
Car Seats – Like a Racing Harness For Your Kid - Q: Why are car seats so hard to install? It should be a lot easier than it is. And where do I go if I need some help? A: I hear you. Something so important shouldn’t be so hard to get right. As adults we wear seat belts, which is as simple as safety gets. …
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Traffic Lights Might Be Smarter Than Your Car - Q: Artificial Intelligence (AI) controlling stop lights seems much easier than AI driving a car. I’m not sure whether any are on the market yet, but seemingly AI stoplights could be an alternative to widening roads or installing new interchanges. And they would save fuel and help air quality by reducing vehicle stops and idling. …
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Country Driving for Urban Folk - Last week’s article was about some of the challenges folks in rural parts of the state face when they encounter all the lane choices on urban freeways. This week I’m flipping it around and giving the urban folks some guidance on driving rural roads. Maybe you’re thinking, “Hey, it’s a rural road. How can there …
Urban Driving for Country Folk - Q: As a country guy, driving in the big city, I get confused by the diamond lanes and pay lanes and assorted left lanes in the Seattle Metro area. My wife and I travel through there, and we wonder what the rules are for the various lanes. Can we take our 5th wheel trailer in …
Comparing Washington to the World – Impaired Driving - Q: I’m wondering how other states compare to Washington regarding how much alcohol you’re allowed to consume and still drive. Isn’t there a state or two that has zero tolerance? I know some countries also have zero tolerance. I wonder if the law allowing up to .08 BAC or 5 ng/mL for cannabis gives people …
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Side-By-Side Cycling Vs. Riding To The Right - Q: I have had some vigorous discussions about bike etiquette with my die-hard biking friends. My question is about RCW 46.61.770 “Riding on roadways and bicycle paths.” Section (1) says ride as far to the right as possible if traffic is going faster than the cyclist, and Section (5) says riders may ride no more …
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The Opposite Of How Roundabouts Work - Q: We’ve all driven through the roundabouts and while I feel like the general idea is to alleviate congestion I cannot help but feel like I’m fighting for a spot before I’m smashed by the oncoming vehicle. I’m curious if there has ever been any official statement or even suggestion on how to navigate roundabouts …
Expired Tabs, Loud Mufflers and What To Do About Them - Q1: I have noticed that a lot of cars have expired tabs. Is that not being enforced anymore? What is the current fine for not having current tabs displayed? Q2: Why are the police not enforcing a muffler regulation? I hear muffler-free cars all days sounding off; have things changed? A: What do expired tabs …
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Can You Leave Your Engine Running on an Electric Car? - Q: I have Chevy Bolt EV and during the recent heat wave I left the vehicle “on” while parking in order to leave the air conditioning running. The car is designed so that it can turn itself “on” in order to cool the battery, so turning it “off” doesn’t mean it’ll necessarily stay “off”. Making …
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Motorcycles: Passing is not Lane Sharing - Q: Can a motorcycle pass another motorcycle on the right if the riders are not lane sharing? A: My favorite motorcycle movie has to be Hot Rod; a film in which stunt man Rob Kimble tries to earn his step-dad’s respect by attempting (and failing) numerous motorcycle jumps. It’s probably the least capable motorcycle rider …
Putting Up A Sign Doesn’t Make It Official - Q: I live in a rural town and my neighbors have been harassing us lately to slow down on a road that by law is 25 mph. They have today now posted a “slow down: speed limit 10 mph” sign they bought off the internet. Does this sign have any legal standing? A: Can you …
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What Kind Of Parent Lets Their Teenager Go On A Road Trip? - Q: My daughter just graduated from high school, and now she and her friends are planning a multi-day road trip to celebrate. I’m not sure how smart or safe it is to let four teenagers drive together for several days. I’m trying to figure out if letting her go makes me a good parent or …
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The Dance: Opposing Turns In An Intersection - Q: I’m new to Washington State and I’m curious about left turns at lights with no protected signal. When turning right onto a multi-lane road, I know that I must enter the lane closest to me. When turning left on a green light, I must also pull into the lane nearest me. So when two …
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Slow Vehicles – Part Two - Q: My question is regarding the Washington rule of the road about pulling over when there is a lineup of five or more vehicles behind you. Most of the time I am going the speed limit and I still get a pile-up of cars. Although pulling over would get them off my back for about …
Got Cars Lined Up Behind You? Here’s When To Pull Over. - Q: I know you’re supposed to pull over if you have five vehicles following you, but once that fifth car gets there, how much time do I have to pull over? When I’m towing our RV I want to be courteous to other drivers, but sometimes it’s a long stretch between good places to pull …
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Bicycles – Sometimes Vehicles, Sometimes Pedestrians - A: Are bicyclists who use crosswalks when crossing a road considered vehicles (which must yield to road traffic) or are they considered pedestrians (to which cars must yield) because they are in a crosswalk? In our community this is an issue where paved recreation trails cross busy roads. There are no signals at these crossings. …
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How Far Right Do I Have To Go to Keep Right? - Q: My question is about driving on limited-access freeways such as I-5. I try to drive as consistently as possible. On a three lane freeway, my understanding is the left lane is for passing, and the other two lanes are general purpose, which I’ve always understood to mean one lane isn’t supposed to be faster …
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Yielding at Uncontrolled Intersections - Q: I’d like to know who has the right-of-way at an intersection with no stop signs. In this case, it’s an urban collector street that crosses a short local street with cul-de-sacs at each end. I have argued that the urban collector street has the right-of-way because it crosses a street with dead ends, so …
Replacing a Worn Out Seatbelt - Q: My seatbelt seems to be wearing out. The buckle doesn’t always work right and the belt has some frayed spots on it. Are there any rules about replacing it? Can I just go buy one a used one from a wrecking yard? A: I’d like to begin by acknowledging your regular seatbelt use. You …
Interstate Travel – On A Scooter - Q. Personal transportation options are great but as an Oregonian, I can’t ride my gas scooter in Washington. It clearly meets all of Oregon’s rules, but only part of Washington’s rules. Can you guys come closer to allowing out-of-state spec scooters that ride in for a visit? A. I sometimes wonder: if the founding fathers …
Running In The Road May Be Hazardous To Your Health - Q: What are the rules regarding pedestrians walking on the roadway when there is an obstruction-free sidewalk available? Runners and joggers tend to prefer using the asphalt over the concrete sidewalks available on just about every street in my neighborhood. I have heard that some runners claim asphalt is more forgiving on their joints but …
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Traffic Signals – Making The Best of Efficiency and Safety - Q: I see changes in the way traffic is flowing at some larger intersections where I live. It used to be the turn lanes from the opposite sides would go at the same time. That way the through traffic from each side could go as soon as the opposite turn lane was complete. Now in …
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Delivery Trucks Parking in the Road - Q: We were following a delivery truck heading east on a county road. The driver stopped in the road, put his flashers on, and got out of the truck to deliver a package. We were close to a curve in the road and it was difficult to pass safely. On our way back a short …
Window Tint – Too Much Of A Good Thing - Q: I’m pretty sure that Washington has a regulation for how dark front passenger and driver side windows can be tinted. If so, why do I see so many vehicles with windows that are almost totally blacked out? Why is it not enforced since it is definitely a safety issue? A: Window tinting is one …
How Kids Can Help Improve Your Drive - What if I could guarantee you a 47 percent improvement in the quality of your daily commute? Yeah, I can’t do that, but it would be great if I could, right? That doesn’t mean there’s no hope for a better drive, especially if you’re a parent or you regularly have kids in the car with …
Parking: Backing in Versus Backing Out - Q: In a parking lot, I observed another driver stop and then back into a parking space. The driver behind him shook his fist because he had to wait. One organization for which I’m a volunteer driver recommends backing in because they say it’s safer to pull out of a space rather than backing out. …
The Speed Limit on a Freeway Ramp - Q: What is the speed limit on an on- ramp, and when and where does it change? Where I live there is a street that turns into an onramp. This street has a 30 mph speed limit on it. The highway has a 65mph speed limit on it. When and where does that 30 end …
The Best Lane Position for Bicycles - Q: I was driving on a street that had no adjacent bicycle lane but instead had a bicycle symbol and arrows pointing in the direction of travel. A bicyclist pulled into the lane of traffic but instead of staying as far right, near parked cars, insisted on pedaling as near the center of the lane …
Traffic School and Your (Not-So-Good) Driving Record - Q. Will a driving course help eliminate a poor driving record in Washington? A: Yes, but probably not in the way that you’re hoping for. Generally, once you already have a poor driving record it’s too late for a driving course to directly impact your record. But that doesn’t mean it’s not a good idea. …
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Skip The Scary Public Service Announcements - Q: If you want to stop driving drunk, or speeding, or texting and driving, or not wearing a seatbelt, why doesn’t the government make more videos like what I watched in driver’s ed? You know, the ones with the graphic car crashes. That’ll get their attention. A: I’ve heard variations on this question from plenty …
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Right-Of-Way And The Right Thing To Do - Q: At an intersection, where the flow of traffic in question does not have a stop sign, and there are several cars flowing through it, does a pedestrian have the right to step off the curb to cross as long as it does not cause an “immediate” hazard? Who has the right-of-way? A: I’ll get …
Front License Plates: Are They Necessary? - Q: Has the Washington State law changed about vehicles displaying front license plates? In our area I have noticed a substantial number of vehicles without front plates. Some will have the plate lying on the dashboard and many seem to be newer, expensive models. Has the law changed or is it simply not being enforced? …
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Burnouts – Which Law(s) Do They Break? - Q: I’ve seen plenty of long, black tire marks out on county roads that look intentional. Once COVID struck and the freeways were empty I even saw a 360 degree burnout on the freeway. That can’t be legal, but what law is it breaking? A: Let me tell you about Cars and Coffee. The title …
Getting Around a Neighborhood Traffic Calming Circle - Q: There is a neighborhood I drive through that has something I’d describe as little roundabouts, much smaller than a regular roundabout, in several intersections. It’s like they took a normal intersection, put a concrete circle in the middle of it and filled it with plants. Do I have to go around the circle to …
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Age and Driving – Knowing When It’s Time To Stop - Q: My parents are getting older, and I’m wondering, how do I know when it’s time for them to stop driving? A: If you’re a fan of the Guinness Book of World Records, you might have heard of Johanna Quaas, the world’s oldest gymnast. She turned 95 this year and still has a parallel bar …
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Distractions from Dogs - Q: Distracted driving is easy to pin on phone usage, but what about little dogs on drivers’ laps? I’ve seen so many situations that can be very dangerous due to dogs between the driver and the steering wheel or hanging out the driver’s window. A: First the good news: At any given moment, most drivers …
Saving Pedestrians With Your Headlights - Q: I’m concerned about pedestrians getting killed on the road. I think the lack of use of high beam lights is likely the cause of the drivers not seeing the pedestrians. I have a problem for you to solve. How far do typical low beam lights light the road ahead and how long does it …
Solutions to Speeding - Q: How do we get semis to slow down on the freeway? I was going 69 mph on the freeway and one passed me. A: I’m going to give you the benefit of the doubt and assume that you were in a 70 mph zone when this happened because I want to believe the best …
Getting a DUI for Talking on Your Phone? - Q: Is it true you can get a DUI for texting or talking on your phone while driving? I’ve heard that people have gotten arrested for it, and that doesn’t seem right. A: In 2017 Washington legislators overhauled our distracted driving law which, despite being only being ten years old, was already obsolete. Actually, it …
If It Melts Ice, It Probably Rusts Your Car - Q: What kind of substance is applied to the local roads during freezing weather? Is the liquid mixture salt or something else? What kind of damage can it cause to cars? A: Rust. That’s the one word answer. As to what the substance is, that answer is more complicated. But rather than turn this into …
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When The Passenger In The Car Has A Warrant - Q: What is the best thing to do to avoid being identified by police if I’m a passenger in the vehicle? I have a warrant and don’t want to go to jail. A: I’ve never been in your situation, and I can’t imagine the chronic stress you’re dealing with when so much of your mental …
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Breaking The Law To Avoid A Crash - Q: Okay, here’s a hypothetical scenario: I’m driving down a road with a double yellow center line, when a kid chasing a ball runs into the street and my only way to avoid him is by going into the other lane. Obviously I swerve to avoid the kid, but is it legal to break the …
Homebuilt Trailers – It’s More Than Just Knowing How To Build - Q: I’ve been wanting to get a teardrop trailer, but they’ve gotten really hard to find this year, what with everyone deciding that the middle of a pandemic is a good time for more outdoor activities. If I can’t find a trailer I was thinking about building one. If I do that, how do I …
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Driving With Your Parking Lights – Is That a Problem? - Q: When I started driving in the early 1960s, parking lights were to only be used when the vehicle was stopped. Today, with driving lights and LEDs around the headlights, the distinction of parking/driving lights is blurred (in my opinion). How could someone distinguish if a newer car is driving with their parking lights on, …
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New Stop Sign Law for Cyclists – Part Three - Q: Now that bike riders are allowed to treat stop signs as yield signs, what should a driver at a four-way stop do if they’ve stopped and are ready to go and see a cyclist coming? Do you have to yield to the cyclist? A: Before I address this question, I need to clarify something …
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Tire Chains, Snow Socks, And A Literal Reading Of The Law - Q: The Washington State Patrol lists “alternative traction devices” that are approved for use when “Chains Required” signs are posted. However, the Washington Administrative Code (WAC) states that when chains are required “AWD vehicles will be exempt . . . provided that tire chains for at least one set of drive tires are carried in …
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When It’s Foggy, Camouflage Is A Bad Look - Q: Why would someone in a gray car drive without their headlights on when it’s a foggy day? A: How about I answer a rhetorical question with a non-rhetorical answer? And yes, I just started a non-rhetorical answer with a rhetorical question. Also, is a non-rhetorical answer even a thing? Probably not, but this isn’t …
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Flags on Pickup Trucks – Can You or Can’t You? (Or Should You?) - Q: I have a question about vehicles driving around with large flags on wooden flag poles. I saw one on I-5 with three flags on wooden poles held in place with guy lines, driving 70 miles an hour in a big wind and rain storm. It seems dangerous – lines could break and the poles …
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What’s The Risk of Distracted Driving? - Q: What’s the deal with people who wear a mask when they’re driving by themselves in a car, but then they’re texting while driving? A: Over the past few months I’ve had several people ask me this question, or some variation of it. This morning, as I was walking through my neighborhood I witnessed it …
Getting A Ticket In The Mail After A Crash - Q: I was in a no injury accident on I-5. Traffic came to an abrupt stop and I was rear-ended. Damage to the other car was extensive and needed to be towed. We both called his insurance company but no police were called. I waited with him for a tow truck for 20 minutes and …
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New Stop Sign Law for Cyclists – Part Two - Last week I announced the upcoming change to the law that allows cyclists to treat stop signs as yield signs. It took two parts to give it proper consideration, so if you haven’t already read part one, do that now. It’s okay, I’ll wait. I’m in no hurry. Now that you’re all caught up on …
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New Stop Sign Law For Cyclists – Part One - There’s a new law I want to tell you about (or, more accurately, a change to a current law), but before I do, I’m asking you to have an open mind. And be patient; to give this change of law the attention it deserves I’m going to split this into two parts. Sometimes the safest …
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Figuring Out Where You Can Ride An ATV - Q: Can ATVs be legally driven on city neighborhood lots in Bellingham? Are they legal on city streets? A: This feels like one of those questions. You know, the ones where the outcome determines your next conversation with your neighbors. I see two possibilities here. Either your neighbor is riding their ATV and you want …
How To Legally Disable An Airbag (And Why You Probably Don’t Want To) - Q: I have been concerned about this for years. I am just 5 feet tall and 110 pounds. So when driving I need the seat moved forward quite a bit to reach the pedals. Can I or should I disconnect the airbag? But then my husband, on the rare times he uses my car, would …
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Five Ways to Be (Very) Wrong About Driving - Q: I got pulled over because I didn’t dim my headlights at night. All I did was flash my headlights because I thought the oncoming headlights were way too bright. I wasn’t driving with my high beams on. I feel it’s bull***t. I was charged with failure to dim my lights, driving on a revoked …
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Your Moped Is Probably Illegal (But That Might Be Okay) - Q: My wife and I just purchased two 49 cc scooters. I looked at the DOL website to find out the requirements. The one thing I’m concerned about is that it says they cannot travel faster than 30 mph. These scooters are capable of about 40 mph. So what do I do on roads that …
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DUI Vs. DWI – A Brief History - Q: I hear people some people say DUI and some people say DWI. What’s the difference? Are they two different crimes or is it just two different ways of saying the same thing? A: If you’re older than a millennial I bet you’ve found yourself puzzled by the perpetual shortening of common words. Hearing “totes …
I’m Afraid You’re Just Too Darn Loud - Q: My question concerns noisy motorcycles. It is a great irritation to me when I hear loud motorcycles on the streets or the highway. I believe that most cities have noise ordinances. Why aren’t they enforced for motorcycles? Any light you could shed on this question would be appreciated. A: There’s that scene in Back …
The Slow Merge; It’s More Than a Horsepower Problem - Q: I often see cars enter highways at speeds well below the speed limit. The cars merge without getting up to speed. Other drivers routinely move left to make way for them. I think it’s dangerous for merging drivers to expect those on the highway to yield or slow down. Most often, the cars do …
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Getting There – An Important Part of Camping - Q: I hope to soon be the owner of a new (to me) travel trailer, and as a first time RVer, would like to make sure I’m safe. What do I need to know before towing a trailer? A: Washington is the greatest place in the galaxy for camping. Bold statement, I know, especially given …
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Parking Lots – A Place To Practice Kindness - Q: What is proper etiquette when in a parking lot? Are there rules about how to handle other drivers and people walking to and from their cars? A: With a few exceptions, traffic laws in Washington are written for road users on public highways. They mostly don’t apply to private property like a shopping mall …
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Stop, Don’t Stop - I recently encountered this pair of signs while driving through an unfamiliar area. Let’s count all the ways this is so wrong: Conflicting directions: Do I stop? Do I never stop? Is this a quantum physics problem where matter can travel multiple paths simultaneously as long as it’s not being observed (by the police)? Too …
The 100 Deadliest Days - I generally like to keep this weekly column somewhat light-hearted when possible; this is not one of those weeks. Recently someone emailed me with a request for information about teen drivers. Without even looking at new data I can tell you the basics; young drivers (age 16-25) make up 13 percent of the driving population …
Speeding – Everybody’s Not Doing It - Q: I’ve heard that because of Covid-19 the police aren’t doing traffic enforcement. That seems problematic. Lately there has been less traffic on the roads but I’ve heard about way more people speeding. What’s being done to stop all the speeders? A: Maybe you’ve read the headlines: traffic volumes are down; vehicle speeds are up, …
Emergency Vehicles and Chinese Sports - Q: I was driving north on a road with two lanes in either direction plus a center turn lane. A fire truck was headed south with emergency lights on. All south bound traffic was yielding to the right of the road, stopping until emergency vehicle had passed, and then continuing on their way south. Suddenly, …
In Trouble for the Wrong Thing - Q: I was given a citation for failing to stop at a traffic signal. What happened was I was making a left turn at a four-way intersection; I entered the intersection on green and waited for a safe time to turn. The light turned yellow and I turned while the light was yellow. The officer …
Buses, Merging and Kindness - Q: I know transit buses have a right-of-way when entering traffic from a bus stop. They have a special yield blinker light that they illuminate separate from the left turn signal. I saw a driver use the yield blinker when entering the freeway. Do I have to yield to a bus merging onto the freeway? …
You Should Signal In Roundabouts (But Is It The Law?) - Q: I’m wondering about the rules for signaling when your car is exiting a roundabout. I rarely see people do this and so I went to the WSDOT website. The written instructions don’t mention signaling nor do the drivers in the instructional videos signal when exiting. Do you know why this is? A: Do you …
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Blocking The View - Q: Is there a rule or law about the distance of visibility delivery trucks must leave for motorists entering a road from adjacent roads when they are parked delivering goods? I’ve encountered delivery trucks that block the view of oncoming traffic making it difficult to pull onto the highway without cutting someone off. A: I’ll …
Don’t Hit The Tow Truck – A Bare Minimum Driving Requirement - Q: So I was wondering, y’all write about things that are important, what about the Slow Down Move Over Law that NOBODY seems to adhere to? The reason I ask is because I am a tow truck operator and I was hit by a taxi cab while working. Drivers need to be aware of this …
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Biking – It’s Not What It Was When You Were Seven - Q: Does a bicyclist riding on the sidewalk have to get off of their bicycle when crossing a road with a signal? Or can they just ride straight across at cycling speed in the crosswalk if the light is green? Corollary question – can a bicyclist riding on the sidewalk ride faster than walking speed? …
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There’s a Hitch (And it’s a Rack) - Q: What are the limitations on bicycle racks or other attachments that extend beyond the rear bumper when not being used? Especially when painted flat black and therefore difficult to see? This is an increasing problem on oversized, badly-parked SUVs and pickups in parking lots that have spaces marked for something the size of a …
Too Much of a Good Thing - Q: What’s up with the cars that have their tires tilted in on top and sticking out on the bottom? Is that supposed to help with performance somehow? A: You know that expression, “If a little is good, then more is better?” This is not one of those situations. The folks who do vehicle alignments …
Driving in a Golf Cart Zone - Q: I live in Birch Bay, and we have a mix of fast drivers trying to get to work and slow golf carts in no hurry at all on the same road. How do you drive in a golf cart zone? A: One bite at a time. No, wait. That’s the punch line to a …
More Than Trains on the Track - Q: I was on a bike ride with friends along a route that included a railroad crossing. My friend, who has hearing aids, approached the railroad crossing, slowed down, and was almost in the crossing. He did not hear or see a truck coming along the rails. The driver sounded his horn, did not slow …
Driving Less, Driving Better - Q: Does the governor’s “stay at home” order allow driving places in order to hike, ski, walk, or bike? My understanding is that this is forbidden–driving is allowed for essential activities, while walking and biking are encouraged, but only close to home. Lots of people are convinced of the opposite–that the governor’s order allows driving …
Driving Faster Than Light - Q: I’m very concerned about the people on the roads who never seem to use their high beams. Out in the county there can be literally anything on the road and high beams are needed to see what is there. Can you give the stopping distance for a car traveling at, say 50 mph, for …
E-Bike or Road Rocket? - Q: I am looking to join the world of electric transportation. As a former scooter rider I am looking for something with a little more power than your average e-bike. One company from California has a model with pedals but the vehicle can top out at 60 mph. It has a switch to limit the …
What The HAWK? - Q: I was driving on Alabama Street when the flashing red light on the HAWK signal had turned off and the pedestrian had completed crossing the road. Cars coming from the other direction remained stopped. I continued through the crossing because a car on my left obscured my vision of a pedestrian waiting at the …
Does a Fancy Car Make You a Jerk? - There are a lot of jokes about BMW drivers, and most of them depend on the premise that if you’re rich enough to drive a BMW, your wealth somehow entitles you to a greater portion of the road or less responsibility in how you use it. For example, if you ever feel like your job …
Maybe Nobody Goes First - Q: If I’m making a right turn on a red light at an intersection and another person is making a U-turn to get into the same lane that I’m turning into, which one of us has the right-of-way? A: I’m going to go out on a limb here and say that depends. How’s that for …
Parking Lots Are Not Base (And Traffic Enforcement Is Not Tag) - Q: Can an officer give me a ticket if I’m no longer on the roadway and have parked in the parking lot of a store? A: Remember playing tag as a kid? We used to have a “base”; as long as you were touching it you couldn’t get tagged. In my yard that was the …
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Angling for Parking - Q: What are the rules of right of way when someone is backing out of an angled parking spot? A: This is one of those situations where you have the rules, and then you have reality. Let’s start with the rules. I can’t find a law that describes how to back out of an angled …
Rideshare – Safer Than What? - Q: Are rideshare companies a safe choice? Are their drivers any better than the rest of us? How can I know if I’ll be safe taking an Uber or Lyft? A: Safety is a relative term, isn’t it? Usually when we talking about being safe, it’s in comparison to something else. Safe choices don’t guarantee …
Yielding at an Alley - Q: I know you’re supposed to yield to pedestrians crossing the street at an intersection, but does an alley count as an intersection? A: An alley does not count as an intersection, but I don’t think that gets to the heart of your question. If I can take the liberty to interpret what you’re asking, …
Sunset, Dusk, and Headlights - Q: I recently found out that headlights are required 30 minutes after dusk. Wouldn’t it make more sense to require headlights before it gets dark instead of after? And if someone doesn’t have their headlights on at night is it okay to flash my lights to let them know? A: You’re absolutely right about it …
Giving the Signal - Q: Do I have to use my turn signal, even if there is no one around? Do I have to keep my turn signal on when I’m stuck at a light at an intersection? After a while the blinking gets pretty annoying. A: Is there a revolt brewing against the consistent use of turn …
How Realistic is Target Zero? - Q: You say the goal of Target Zero is to eliminate all fatal crashes, but that’s not a very realistic goal, is it? Why set an unrealistic goal? A: Allow me to make the goal even harder. The goal of Target Zero is to eliminate all fatal and serious injury crashes. How’s that for a …
Where Your Friend Is Matters - Q: Why is it illegal to have a conversation with someone on a phone while driving, but it’s fine to have a conversation with the passenger in the seat next to you? Aren’t they both distracting? And I’m not suggesting that they should make talking to a passenger illegal. A: Not all conversations are created …
Cars vs. SUVs vs. Pedestrians - A few weeks ago I pointed out that overall traffic fatalities both in our state and nationally declined last year, but at the same time pedestrian and cyclist fatalities have increased. In Washington we’ve had an increase in pedestrian and cyclist-involved crashes, but even more concerning is that pedestrians are dying at a higher rate. …
Do You Have a Gas Problem? - Q: It’s common now to see our Canadian friends gassing up their tanks, and then filling up multiple large plastic containers in the trunk. Is this safe? Is it even legal? Seems like it would be a real danger in the event of a serious rear-ender. A: The answer to this question is way more …
Friends Let Friends Crash on the Couch - In your lifetime you’ve probably heard “the man” tell you not to do a lot of things. Don’t litter, don’t talk during the movie, don’t feed the wildlife, don’t play with matches; you can come up with more, I’m sure. Yes, it’s all sound advice, but the best part of life isn’t in the not …
If They’re Both Wrong, What’s The Difference? - Q: In last week’s article you talked about some traffic violations being infractions and some being crimes. Both of them are still illegal, so what’s the difference? Why are there separate categories? A: If you commit an infraction, you’re a scofflaw; if you commit a crime, you’re a criminal. That’s not really true. I just …
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When Speed Becomes Reckless - Q: I’ve heard that if you drive at twice the speed limit instead of getting a speeding ticket you’ll get arrested. Is that true? A: While driving at double the speed limit is bound to get you in some trouble, I’m not aware of any equation, at least in Washington, that automatically moves a speeder …
When The Robots Take Over - Q: From everything I’ve read in the news about autonomous cars, I don’t want one. I’d rather drive myself than give that control to a car. Why is everyone so excited about autonomous cars when people are getting killed in them? A: What if I told you people aren’t actually being killed by autonomous vehicles? …
Traffic Safety By The Numbers - If you’re not one of those people who each year waits with anticipation for the federal government to release traffic crash data, you might not have seen the 2018 numbers from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA). And that’s what I’m here for. In case you’re in a big hurry, but also want to …
Skateboards Are Not The Problem (We Are) - Q: How are they going to reduce accidents to zero when they don’t stop skateboarding period? There should be laws in place to stop people from riding skateboards either on the road or on sidewalks. I have been hit by somebody’s skateboard on the sidewalk while walking my dog, and my dog has been hit …
What’s the Point of Fenders if They Don’t Cover Your Tires? - Q: Is anything being done about trucks with tires that stick out past their fenders? I’m pretty sure that’s not legal. Why are people allowed to do that? A: It’s not that the law allows people to drive around with tires that project past their fenders; it’s that some people chose to do it anyway. …
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Stopping To Be Nice or Stopping To Be Safe (Is It The Same?) - Q: I have seen drivers stop at an “unlighted” cross walk and direct pedestrians standing on the curb to cross in front of them, oblivious of the cars behind them or along side of them (In my opinion, creating a deadly hazard). Is the driver acting safely and shouldn’t the pedestrians wave the driver to …
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The Ticket Is The Cheap Part - Q: How much does a speeding ticket affect your car insurance? A: Is it safe to assume that when someone asks this question, there is a precipitating event that prompted it? I know a writer is supposed to wait until the end for the big reveal, but I’m going to put it up front: The …
DUI Checkpoints In Washington - Q: I know some other states, as well as British Columbia, use DUI checkpoints to catch drunk drivers. I’ve never seen them in Washington. Why not? A: The answer you’ll most often hear as to why Washington doesn’t use DUI checkpoints (also called sobriety checkpoints) is that they’re unconstitutional. And that’s almost true. However, that’s …
How To Be In The Bike Lane (Or Any Other Lane) - Q: Is it okay for a cyclist to ride right on the edge of the bike lane although they have the whole bike lane to ride in? I understand that they might have to move for a second to either go around junk or glass in the bike lane but staying on the line is …
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It’s National Fall Hat Month. And Child Passenger Safety Month. - September is National Child Passenger Safety Month. It’s also National Chicken Month, International Update Your Resume Month, National Piano Month, and about thirty-five other reasons to celebrate. Even the blueberry popsicle declares September as its month. And don’t get started on specific weeks and days. Cheese, skyscrapers and telephones all have their own day. Add …
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The Right Way to Signal Right (on a bike) - Q: What is the correct hand signal for a right turn when riding a bike? Do you extend your left hand up or your right hand out? A: Yes. At least according to the law. But before we get to that, let’s agree that signaling, no matter how you do it, whether you’re on a …
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When Medical Issues Impair Driving - Q: Might you know if there is a state law regarding driving after having a stroke? Is there a restriction on a driver license for a period of time after having a stroke? A: This is a tricky one. You’ll understand why at the end. I don’t know of any law that specifically prohibits a …
More of When to Stop for a School Bus - Q: I’ve received a few questions about stopping for school buses in various non-traditional scenarios, like these: Do I have to stop for a school bus pulling out of a parking lot when I am driving on the road? What do I do if a school bus puts its stop paddle out at an intersection …
Cannabis Won’t Make You More Sober (Yep, Some People Think That) - Many times I’ve referenced data showing that more than half of all traffic fatalities in Washington involve an impaired driver. When stated without more context, it’s easy to reach a false conclusion about impaired driving, and here’s the myth: If half of all fatal crashes involve impairment, lots of people must be driving impaired. In …
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Where Not To Park - Q: I thought there was a rule that required people to park at least 20 feet from stop signs, but I often see cars parked much closer. Is there limit on how close you can park? If there is, how far away is it? A: There is a limit. In fact, there are lots of …
Cycling on the Freeway - Q: I thought it was legal to ride my bike on the freeway, but I don’t ever see people doing it. Can I ride on the freeway, and if I can, is there some reason nobody does it? A: Back when I was 15, there was a girl I liked that lived about 15 miles …
Speed Limits in Construction Zones - Q: How slow should one drive while traveling in road construction areas (marked with orange signs, cones, and flags) if there isn’t a construction zone speed limit posted? A: In Washington it seems like the four seasons are fall, winter, spring, and road construction. Last week I was nearly landlocked by all the construction projects …
Cannabis Consumption When Your House Can Drive - Q: I live in an RV and I’m a cannabis user. I’m trying to abide by the law, which says that you can only use cannabis in a private location, which for me is my home. But my home is a vehicle and I don’t want to get a DUI. Can I use cannabis in …
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Hearse in a HOV Lane - Q: There is a national story circulating about the driver of a hearse who, when pulled over for traveling in the HOV lane, said he thought it was okay because there was a body on board. It was not okay, but he got off with a warning largely because of his unique excuse. However, I …
Traffic Law vs. Safe Driving – Part 2 - Q: Is it legal to text while riding bike on a public road? I saw this yesterday. A: This seems like a great opportunity for Traffic Law Vs. Best Practice, Episode Two. A few weeks ago we covered several examples of how the law sets a pretty low standard for road user behavior. Those cases …
DIY Moped – Is It Worth It? - Q: I am considering putting a small gas motor kit on a mountain bicycle. Does it then become a moped? Does it require a license? Can It be driven on sidewalks? Or bike paths? Or freeways? Any other information on this? I have been looking online and I get conflicting information. A: That sounds like …
Motorcycle Safety – Riding for Life - In case you’ve just emerged from a month-long meditation retreat in a mine shaft or returned from research at the south pole, let me be the first to tell you, the weather everyone moves here for has arrived. And what goes hand-in-hand with good weather in Whatcom County? Motorcycles. My personal motorcycle riding experience is …
Traffic Law Vs. Safe Driving - Here’s a question that came up during a recent discussion about some of Washington’s traffic laws: Is obeying the law enough to make me a safe driver? If not, what is the standard? A while back I had a conversation with my brother-in-law, a skilled carpenter. We were discussing building codes, and he said that …
Rocks and Rules (and a bad pun in the title) - Q: I have lived in Bellingham for nine years and have received five rock chips on my windshield. Before I moved here I never had a rock chip. Not coincidentally I see many uncovered gravel trucks on Sunset Drive and I-5, many of them with unused covers. What is the law regarding this and does …
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Trucker Bling or Safety Concern? - Q: I’ve seen quite a few semi trucks with metal spikes sticking off their lug nuts. That seems incredibly dangerous. I’ve seen it so often that I’m assuming it must be legal. But how could it be? A: I could probably write an entire column that consists exclusively of bullet listing all the equipment violations …
The Rudest Insult in Traffic - Q: What exactly is jaywalking? Is it just crossing the street where there isn’t a sidewalk? A: A little over one hundred years ago, the New York Times decried the use of term jaywalker as, “highly opprobrious” and “a truly shocking name.” I had to look up opprobrious, and if your vocabulary doesn’t include that …
Who Doesn’t Buckle Up? - Instead of a reader asking me a question, this week I have a question for you: Do you know anyone that’s received a ticket for not wearing a seatbelt? It’s entirely possible that you don’t. Washington ranks in the top five states for seatbelt use, with close to 95 percent of vehicle occupants wearing a …
The Idaho Stop – It’s Not Really Stopping - Q: Are you familiar with the Idaho Stop? It’s the law, in Idaho of course, that lets cyclists treat a stop sign like a yield sign. What do you think of that? It seems like there would be more crashes. Is it more dangerous than making cyclists stop? A: Since 1982 Idaho has allowed cyclists …
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Mixed Signals – Who Should Yield? - Q: I have a question regarding the traffic rules of a particular intersection in Bellingham. The intersection of Alabama and Woburn has a right turn lane with a yield sign (for drivers traveling south on Woburn towards Alabama). My question is, if the light is green for Woburn traffic going both directions, does the northbound Woburn …
Side Streets Vs. Interstate: Which is Safer? - Q: I believe that studies show after changing an intersection to a roundabout, there will be more crashes in the roundabout than an intersection but the crashes will be less serious in the roundabout. Could there be a similar phenomena concerning side roads and expressways? For example, if I travel from Fairhaven to the airport, …
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Four-Way Frenzy or Simple Solution? - Q: Is it legal to use the center turn lane as an on-ramp to merge into traffic? A: Yes, it is. I’ll get to the legal reference in a moment, but first let’s think about what that means. Drivers traveling in both directions on a roadway can legally use the center turn lane to both …
The Dutch Reach – It’s Probably Not What You Think It Is - Q: What is the Dutch Reach? A: I’m going to guess that most people have never heard the term “Dutch Reach.” I hadn’t heard it until about a week ago; I was in a meeting when someone mentioned it as part of a conversation that offered very little context. The meeting went on and I …
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Bees, Texting, and Impaired Driving - Q: I was talking with my kids about car accidents caused by drivers trying to rid their car of spiders or wasps or flying insects. We are wondering what percentage of accidents are insect distracted? Is having a bee in your car more distracting than being a drunk driver? A: I was hoping to base …
HAWK Spotting - This week I’m attempting to exercise my psychic abilities by answering a question before it gets asked. Here’s the question I’m expecting to arrive in my in-box any day now: What am I supposed to do with the crazy new lights that just got installed on Lakeway Drive? The city of Bellingham is completing four …
When Swerving For Cows, Yield to Oncoming Cars - Q: On a residential no outlet road, is it law that I must use my turn signal to make a right turn into my own driveway? If a residential road has no white centerline, can I be pulled over for supposedly driving up the middle of the road? In particular, when there is plowed snow …
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Too Much Green on St. Patrick’s Day - Q: Do you get drunker if you drink green beer? A: Okay, I made that question up. We all know that green beer doesn’t get you drunker than regular beer. Or does it? We’re approaching St. Patrick’s Day, a holiday that, in terms of alcohol consumption, has certainly strayed from its heritage. Depending on whose …
The Shortest Route Isn’t Always The Best Route - Q: Is it legal to walk on the east bound side of the Bakerview I-5 overpass? Also that side has no extra guard rail above the concrete barrier. Isn’t that dangerous for motorcycles and bicycles? Couldn’t they potentially get hit and go flying onto the freeway? A: Have you ever visited a college campus and …
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Should Your Car Have a Speed Regulator? - Q: Why don’t governments impose a mandatory maximum speed regulator on all new cars? It could be limited to the maximum speed limit. The technology already exists and is cheap. It would make our roads safer, reduce congestion (traffic flow is smoother if all cars are traveling at roughly the same speed), reduce the high …
Yes, You Need A Driver License - Q: Federal law is the highest law, am I correct? And federal law states it is my God-given right as man to have the freedom of travel in pursuit of happiness without being governed , harassed, taxed or held from freedom of movement. It also states that as long as I’m traveling in my own …
You’re Probably Guilty Of Littering - Q: Is it legal to throw an apple core out my car window while I’m driving? I’ve always assumed (and was told growing up) that it’s legal because an apple core is a biodegradable food scrap. A: Can I turn a question about littering into a traffic safety issue? Yes, I can. We all know …
Do You Really Always Need Insurance? - Q: Can a person receive a ticket for driving without insurance on private property? A: The short answer: Yes. If you had asked, “Can a person receive a ticket on private property?” the answer would have been much longer. And now for the longer answer: Most traffic violations apply when a driver is on a …
Learning How To Walk - Q: Washington law states that when sidewalks are not provided, pedestrians shall walk only on the left side of the roadway or its shoulder facing traffic and upon meeting an oncoming vehicle shall move clear of the roadway. Why is this law seldom enforced or ever publicized? A: Walking along the road with your back …
Blocking the Crosswalk - Q: At an intersection, after I’ve stopped at the stop line, is it okay to pull forward for visibility if I end up blocking the crosswalk? If this is legal, do pedestrians have to wait until I leave the crosswalk to cross? When I did this someone walked out in front of me well outside …
What’s The Big Honking Deal? - Q: When is it legal to use your horn? Or maybe I should ask, when is it not legal to use your horn? Some drivers use their horn for a lot of things that aren’t emergencies. A: There’s a debate about whether the Road Runner from Looney Tunes says “beep beep” or “meep meep.” In …
Practice How To Not Skid - Q: When your car starts to skid, do you turn in the direction of the back of the car while maintaining constant pressure on the accelerator? Or let off the accelerator? A: Reading a column on how to get out of a skid is probably about as useful as watching a documentary on how to …
The Safest Time To Drive - Q: As seniors we avoid rush hour driving whether it’s early morning or after four in the afternoon. We rarely drive at night. We believe we are safer on the road mid-day nine to three. Is our assessment and decision based on reality as far as safety and crashes? A: When it comes to driving, …
DUI – It’s Not Just Booze Anymore - What kind of behavior do you visualize when you hear the terms ‘impaired driving’ or DUI? If your mind translated the word ‘impaired’ to the word ‘drunk’ or DUI turned into ‘driving under the influence of alcohol’ that would be understandable, but no longer entirely accurate. Impaired driving is changing, or more accurately, has already …
Opening Your Car Door? There’s A Law For That - Q: I was driving down Holly Street when someone in a parked car opened their car door into the lane I was driving in. Fortunately there was no one in the lane next to me and I swerved to avoid hitting the door. If I had hit the door who would have been at fault? …
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Disturbed By Trucks - Q: I drove back last evening from Seattle to Bellingham and I was disturbed by the oversized, raised pickups that were speeding in the left lane, some with trailers behind them. I’ve also seen tandem dump trucks tailgating on I-5. What is the policy on speed enforcement of such vehicles as the oversized pickups and …
You Can’t Change Lanes in an Intersection, Or Can You? - Q: I have a question about the rule about changing lanes when going through an intersection. I see a lot of drivers change lanes when making a right or left turn going through an intersection. Is that legal? A: At a minimum, changing lanes while turning through an intersection is sloppy driving. It might also …
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Free Right on a Red Light Isn’t Really Free - Q: In other states in which I have lived, cars are required to come to a complete stop before turning right on a red light. However, here so many cars do not stop; I was wondering if the law is different here. I did a very unscientific survey at an intersection I regularly crossed and …
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Traffic Enforcement: Do We Have Enough? - I’ve received a number of questions focused on various traffic violations that end with a similar refrain: Why don’t the police do more enforcement of (fill in the blank)? Collectively all these questions hint at the larger question: Are we doing enough traffic enforcement in our community? Instead of answering that question with a yes …
Just Put Them at 9 And 3 - Q: I was taught to keep my hands at 10 and 2 on the steering wheel, but I’ve heard that if your car has airbags you should keep your hands at 8 and 4. Is that right? It feels weird. A: Allow me to split the difference and recommend 9 and 3. Back before airbags, …
Church – A Sanctuary From Traffic Crimes? - Q: If you were pulled over and you had to pull into a church parking lot is it legal for the officer to arrest you on church property? A: Back when I was a kid, when we played tag we’d often designate a base; let’s say it was the tetherball pole. As long as you …
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New Driver in the Family? Don’t Freak Out - Q: My daughter just got her driver’s permit and I’m freaking out. I feel like we’re going to die every time she gets behind the wheel. What should I do?
Riding Bikes Against Traffic Is A Bears Vs. Sharks Problem - Q: I’ve been noticing in the last couple years that more and more adults and kids are riding their bicycles toward traffic. I thought the rule is that a bicycle should be riding in the right lane with the flow of traffic. Is that correct?
Ferry Beer and DUIs - Q: I recently rode on a Washington State ferry and noticed that they sell alcohol on the ferries. At first I didn’t think anything of it, until I realized that except for the walk-aboards, everyone else has to drive to get off the ferry. Why does the state sell alcohol to people they know have …
Electric Scooters And Skateboards – Where Should They Ride? - Q: Is it legal to ride an electric scooter or an electric skateboard in a bike lane? Some of them can go 20 mph, so it seems like it would be dangerous to ride them on sidewalks around people.
When Your Stuff Gets In The Way - Q: Is it illegal to obstruct the view of the driver out the side windows? On my bicycle I have been nearly hit more than once by mail delivery drivers. They have right hand drive and stack mail on a shelf opposite them blocking their view out the left window. When they are making a …
Does The Law Allow Speeding? No (Well, Maybe A Little) - Q: Over mountain passes and other highways, drivers encounter a sign stating “Delay of 5 vehicles Illegal Must Use Turnouts”. This relates to the law that requires slow-moving vehicles to pull off roadway. The law states a vehicle must pull off to let others proceed if the slow-moving vehicle is traveling at “a rate of …
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The Buddy Buckle Is Not Your Buddy - Q: I know we should always wear our seatbelts, so what should we do if there are more people in a car than seatbelts? Is it a good idea to buddy buckle?
Encountering An Unexpected Yield - Q: Would you please explain the reason why the right turn onto the freeway on-ramp must yield to the left turning vehicle? Example: Bakerview and I-5 southbound on-ramp.
A School Bus Driver’s Perspective - Summer in Washington is like a good nap; amazing while it’s happening but never long enough. One of the first signs that summer is wrapping up? The school buses that are on the roads starting this week. We’ve covered the topic of school buses before (and you can find those articles at so I’m …
The Difference Between Drunk and Impaired - Q: If the legal limit for getting a DUI is .08, how can someone get a DUI if they blow less than .08? Wouldn’t they not be legally drunk?
Rolling Coal: What It Is- And What’s The Point? - Q: I’ve seen diesel pickups spewing out black smoke on command, or “rolling coal”. It seems like sometimes they do it intentionally to irritate other drivers or cyclists. It that legal?
Vintage Cars – Where To Put The Kids - Q: This week we have a couple questions about kids in vintage cars: I have a 1939 Packard, which of course has no seatbelts. I’d like to be able to give my grandkids a ride in the car but without seatbelts I can’t install a carseat. Is it legal to let a child under 12 …
Distracted Driving for Commercial Drivers - Q: The distracted driving law has an exception for commercial drivers, but what is the definition of that? I drive a box truck used for construction. It’s registered in the company name and has the company name all over it. I have a regular driver license. On any given day, I receive a minimum of ten …
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The Where and Why of Traffic Enforcement - Q: It’s obvious that the police respond to high-crash locations after crashes happen, but do they ever patrol these areas (and most others) to do proactive, deterrence enforcement? I guarantee that if traffic stops were performed and citations written, the driving behavior would improve.
Dogs In Truck Beds – Illegal or Just Unwise? - Q: So many times I see people with dogs in the back of their trucks that are not tied in. I have seen dogs fall out of the back and be seriously injured or killed in the past. What is the law regarding having a dog or dogs, in the back of an open pickup?
Making Tailgating Tickets Automatic - Q: On the topic of tailgating, specifically enforcement: Why couldn’t they use the traffic cameras to watch for this type of activity and then just send out tickets? There should be a way to develop a formula for determining proper distances. And for the open highway, why not develop drones that could do the same …
When Tires Stop Stopping - Let’s talk about tires. I recently had a conversation with someone about tire performance and how it relates to the price of a tire. The question was essentially, “Is it worth it to buy expensive tires for my car?” There is a study from AAA that answers that question, but in the process of exploring …
Shoulder Driving to Escape a Lineup - Q: Recently I was pulled over after I drove on the shoulder when I got stuck in a border lineup on the truck route. I was given a warning and was told that it is illegal to drive on the shoulder, even if it is to avoid being stuck in a lineup to a location that …
Traffic Champions and Disabled Parking - If you could do something to make traveling on our roads safer, would you do it? We’ll get to the rules of the road in a bit, but first I want to highlight two students in our community who can answer “yes” to that question with certainty.
How Slow Is Too Slow? - Q: When the freeway speed is 60 mph, may I drive 50 mph in far right lane with an RV? What is slowest speed allowed without getting ticketed?
Don’t Get Tripped Up By The Sidewalk - Q: In local parks, sidewalk upthrusts (say, by tree roots) are marked by yellow paint for the length of the walkway re-elevation. That’s terrific. But what about regular sidewalks along streets where there is often a one-inch elevation change from one concrete section to the next? Can we call the city to apply yellow paint …
What’s The Real Speed Limit? - Q: After turning onto Portal Way to go north from Grandview Road the speed limit is 50 mph. Then in about a quarter mile it drops to 35 mph and then in about 50 feet it changes back to 50 mph. At first I thought it was because of the cars driving in and out …
Seatbelts: Overrated For Cars With Airbags? - Q: Do airbags work better than seatbelts for protecting you in a crash? And if they do, shouldn’t the law be that you only have to wear seatbelts if your car doesn’t have airbags?
Why Are Young Drivers Bad Drivers? - Q: Too often I read or hear about young people involved in serious car crashes. I’m guessing that’s because they’re in them more often than experienced drivers. Why are they crashing more? Are they not getting enough training? What can we do about it?
School Zones – Where Do They End? - Q: Heading west on Fraser St, off of Woburn, there is a school speed limit 20 MPH sign and a flashing light. There is no sign indicating where the school zone ends, so I usually assume it ends where the school zone sign starts on the opposite side of the road (the sign for drivers …
Robot Cars – Safer Than Humans? - Q: Are you concerned about the role of robot cars in the future?
Can You Ever Really Have The Right-Of-Way? - Q1: At a two-way stop intersection where cross-traffic doesn’t stop, what is the protocol if cars approach the stop signs at different times during heavy traffic, and have conflicting proposed motions? If I am taking a left turn from one stop sign, and waiting for cross-traffic to clear, and a car comes up to the other …
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Can You Be Too Cautious? - Q: Why don’t you write about drivers that are too cautious? Numerous times I’ve witnessed drivers that drive 45-50 MPH on the freeway, stop at the top of the ramp before entering the freeway, refuse to turn left against oncoming traffic until the left turn signal light returns, drive 10 car lengths behind another car …
Parking, Mailboxes and Neighbors - Q: Is it legal to park in front of a mailbox? My neighbor keeps parking in front of mine, and I’m missing mail deliveries. Asking him to park somewhere else hasn’t worked because there is a shortage of parking spaces in the neighborhood, so I’m hoping there is a law that can be enforced.
Distracted Driving Makes You Dumb (For Real) - Q: Last summer the state passed a tougher distracted driving law. Is it working? It doesn’t look like it to me.
Arrests and Impounds - Q: My friend got pulled over for a traffic infraction. The officer found drugs on him and in his backpack. He got arrested and they let me go. However, they wouldn’t let me take the car, even though I have a valid driver’s license. Why wouldn’t they let me take the car?
Passing Transit Buses - Q: I was driving on a two-lane road and stopped behind a WTA bus that was at a bus stop waiting for a passenger walking fast to catch the bus. A vehicle came up behind me, waited for about 5 seconds, and then passed my car and the bus using the oncoming traffic lane. Was …
Schizophrenic Cyclists - Q: It’s my understanding that if a bicyclist rides on the sidewalk, he should use the pedestrian crossing and should get off the bike in order to cross the street. Am I wrong?
Daylight Saving – The Next Traffic Disaster? - This week’s column isn’t prompted by a question; instead, it’s inspired by the calendar. If you’ve followed this column on a semi-regular basis you may have noticed that the topics sometimes correspond to events and seasons – rules about school buses at the start of the school year, impaired driving during the holidays – those …
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Headlights Aren’t Just For The Dark - Q: I am concerned about the significant number of drivers I see on our roads that do not turn on their headlights at dusk or when visibility is poor during the day light hours. Many drivers seem to refuse to turn on their headlights when there is fog, drizzle, or other poor lighting. I’m sure …
How to Respond to a Yellow Light That Flashes You - Q: I have a question about the lights on Bakerview Road at south-bound I-5 exit 258. When you are in the left turn lane there is a flashing yellow arrow that comes on, then it turns to solid yellow. I have stopped on the yellow arrow, both when it is flashing and/or solid and there …
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Tailgating – How Close is Too Close? - Q: Is it just me, or is there is a tailgating epidemic happening in Whatcom County? It seems like it’s happening all the time. Why aren’t the cops enforcing it?
Mini Bikes – Problem or Possibility? - Q: I invested in a mini bike and cops keep telling me that I can’t ride it in the bike lane, but it doesn’t go fast enough to be street legal. What do I do? This is the only way I have to get around.
Leave Room For Bikes - Q: Is it legal to cross the centerline while passing a cyclist in a no-passing zone (assuming there are no oncoming cars)? A: Let’s start this one out by looking at the no-passing zone law. The Revised Code of Washington (RCW) states that “no driver may at any time drive on the left side of …
Why You Shouldn’t Drive Through a Flooded Road - Q: I noticed Whatcom County Public Works added a note to a recent road closure notice, reminding people not to drive past those temporary closure signs for flooded streets. Sometimes the county has put so many out that it takes a while to pick them back up. Drivers see the road doesn’t have much or …
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Is Twenty the New Twenty-Five? - Q: I’ve noticed some cities changing their speed limits in neighborhoods and business districts from 25 MPH to 20 MPH. Does five miles per hour really matter for safety or is it just another way to discourage driving? A: There is little doubt that some city planners would like less people driving cars on city …
Jacked Up – Is It Worth The Risk? - Q: Considering the money invested by the auto industries to make automobiles safer and traffic crashes more survivable, how can it be legal for individuals to raise their pickup trucks such that in a crash they will impact above a standard automobile’s bumper? How can it be legal for the drivers of these pickup trucks …
How to Cross The Street Around a Bus - Q: What are the rules for crossing the street after getting off a bus? Should I cross in front of the bus or behind it? A : If there is a rule in our state law that applies exclusively to this situation, I haven’t seen it. But there are laws about crossing the street, and …
Is The Right Lane Always The Right Lane? - Q: My friend and I have a disagreement. On a 3 lane highway with very light traffic, which lane should a 60 mph driver choose? I say the far right. My friend says the middle. My reasoning is because if I’m going 65 mph and need to pass the middle lane driver, I am required …
Illegal Parking at an Imaginary Address - Q: I received a parking ticket on a private road, at an address that does not exist. Is this arguable before a judge? A: We are fortunate to have a justice system that allows us to appeal our case to a judge, so technically, yes, you could argue before a judge if you so choose. …
Cyclists and “The Wave” - Q: I ride a bicycle and drive a car. While riding my bike in town, I confront the following situation on a regular basis: I am riding on a side street, come to an intersection, and stop at the stop sign. A well-intentioned driver on the main road will come to a stop, even though …
The Most Dangerous Way To Cross The Street - Q: In regards to a statement in a previous article about pedestrians crossing the street at unsafe locations, what is safe versus non-safe? I think a pedestrian crossing at any intersection is safe but some people think only marked crosswalks are safe. A: The problem with the word ‘safe’ when talking about traffic is that …
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Is it Illegal to Speed in a Car Commercial? - Q: Is it legal for a car manufacturer to show a car doing an illegal driving maneuver in a commercial? A: It depends on which illegal driving maneuver you’re talking about. There is a law that prohibits the advertisement of speeding on public roads, but we’ll get to that in a moment. First I’d like …
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Does a Crash Always Get You a Ticket? - Q: Why is it that you get a ticket from law enforcement if you get into an accident? To pay for them to come out? What if only one party called, shouldn’t that party get the ticket for requesting their service? A: At a fundamental level, law enforcement officers write tickets at crashes because they …
The Cost of Dangerous Driving in Whatcom County - Q: It seems like there have been a lot more serious crashes than normal lately. Is my perception accurate or have crashes just been making the news more often? A: Unfortunately, your perception is disturbingly accurate. Over the past ten years, we’ve averaged about 15 lives lost due to traffic crashes. In 2015 and 2016, …
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Trains and Tanker Trucks Don’t Mix - Q: At the rail crossings at Slater Road and at Grandview Road, what is the requirement for trucks carrying hazardous materials? It makes sense that they stop at uncontrolled crossings, but why do they have to stop when there are crossing signals? Is it a company regulation? At the Grandview crossing they stop empty going …
Flashing Hands And Countdown Timers - Q: I have a question on traffic signals for pedestrians. My understanding is that when a pedestrian comes up to the corner to cross the street and the red hand light is flashing, they are not supposed to start across. I see pedestrians constantly starting to cross when the red hand is lit and the …
Is it Right to Pass on the Right? - Q: Is it legal to pass on the right on two lane streets where there is no fog line and the person in front of you is turning left? A: I feel like you’ve nearly answered the question for me. In your question you actually listed one of only two situations where it is legal …
Too Blinky, Too Bright - Q: What kind of lighting is required to ride my bike at night? Are strobe lights legal? A: At the minimum, the law requires a white headlight on the front of the bike, visible from at least 500 feet, and a red reflector on the back, visible from at least 600 feet. But this is …
Travel With Care – A Local Traffic Safety Project - This week’s column is less of a question and more of a plea: Can’t we all just get along on our roads? I’ve received questions from drivers who are angry about cyclist and pedestrian behavior, pedestrians who are terrified of drivers and nervous about cyclists, and cyclists who fear for their lives because of drivers. …
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Does Your Driving Record Ever Really Go Away? - Q: I was at fault for a traffic collision for “failure to yield leaving a parking lot or alley.” How long will this be on my driving record? A: As data expert Jeff Rothenberg said, “Digital information lasts forever, or five years, whichever comes first.” The only way to have a perfectly clean driving record …
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Getting On (And Off) The Freeway – With a Little Help - Q1: I drive I-5 daily, and I consistently see drivers enter I-5 at slower speeds that traffic is moving, causing a slow-down. I see the same with exiting drivers, who slow down to as little at 45 MPH before they even reach the off-ramp, causing another traffic backup. What are the rules for entering and …
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Riding Side By Side and Other Motorcycle Rules - Q: Is it legal for two motorcycle police officers to ride side by side down a city street? A: Yes, and that is not an exception granted only to police officers. In section 46.61.608 of the Revised Code of Washington it states that “Motorcycles shall not be operated more than two abreast in a single …
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Angle Parking: If it Sticks Out, It Doesn’t Fit - Q: What are the rules for a parked vehicle that obstructs the flow of traffic? The area where I see this often is on Harris Street in the main part of Fairhaven. People with crew cab trucks and RVs park in diagonal spots, with their vehicles often extending well into the flow of traffic. A: …
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Photo Radar – When Will We Get It? - Q: When can I expect freeway flyers to get costly fines in the mail from traffic cameras recording speed and license plate numbers? A: To put this question in context, it was asked after describing a series of high-risk speeding situations that the question-asker has encountered repeatedly on his daily commute. To put it in …
School Zones – What Does “When Children Are Present” Really Mean?” - Q: I always wonder about what “when children are present” on school zone signs means. Does that mean just during school hours or any time you see children? Also does it apply during school hours during the summer vacation (and how are we to know the vacation times?) A: I thought this would be easy …
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The Myth of the Above-Average Driver - Instead of starting with a question this week, I’ll start with an answer: Ninety-three percent. Here’s the question: How many American drivers believe they are above average? When drivers were asked to rate their driving ability compared to an average driver ninety-three percent of us thought we were better. You don’t need a statistics class …
Getting High, Getting a DUI, Getting Help - Q: Now that we’ve had a few years of legalized marijuana, do we know what impact that has had on impaired driving? A: Before I answer that, I’ll point out that understanding traffic data is complex and we can’t always draw accurate conclusions from one set of data. But let’s look at one set of …
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The Trouble With Exit 250 - Q: Who has the right of way when exiting northbound from I-5 at Old Fairhaven Parkway; the turning lane trying to get on the on-ramp or the vehicles at the stop sign up the road on the off-ramp? A: Based on the emails I’ve received about this location, lots of people have opinions about who …
Different Symbols – Same Meaning - Q: In downtown Bellingham at certain corners of sidewalks there is one of two symbols. The first is a circle in green with a person standing next to a bicycle. The other is a circle in red with a line through the circle showing a person on a bicycle. What do these mean? Does the …
New Distracted Driving Law Now In Effect - As of yesterday, Washington drivers have a new set of rules to follow regarding distracted driving. In the lead-up to the implementation of the law, you may have been bombarded by messages from the state and news stories from your favorite media outlets about the details and consequences of the new law. If you were …
What Makes a Safe First Car? - Q: My daughter is about to get her driver’s license, and I want to get a vehicle that’ll keep her safe. What do you recommend? A: Let’s start by agreeing that new drivers are some of the most dangerous people on the road. If we love our kids (of course we do), we want to …
The A-Pillar Problem - Q: I recently had a close call with a pedestrian. I looked both ways before pulling into the intersection, but he seemed to appear out of nowhere, right in front of my car. How is that possible? A: Back when I went through driver’s ed . . . I know this sounds like a setup …
Should School Buses Have Seatbelts? - Q: Why are there no seatbelts in school buses, public transit buses, or private transportation vehicles like charter buses? In regard to these transportation types, we still seem to be in the “let ‘em fly” era, when car occupants – kids and all – were just loose cargo going every which way in the event …
Avoiding High-Beam Blindness - Q: What are the rules and regulations about headlights? It seems like the low-beam headlights on some new vehicles are as bright as an older car’s high-beams. What about the height of headlights on big trucks and SUVs? What’s the best way to handle an oncoming driver that appears to have their high-beams on? Can …
Signs That Don’t Make Sense - Here’s a one-question quiz: Are there more road signs on local, state and federal roads in America, or more Americans who admit to getting lost by not reading the road signs? I actually don’t know the answer to that, but I’m confident that the number is in the millions for both. Given that there are …
White Lines and What They Mean - Q: What are the rules on crossing white lines? Solid white lines, double white lines, white lines on the shoulder of the road; some of you have been wondering about when it’s okay to make lane changes across white lines. A: Let’s start with where white lines are found and the types of white lines …
How To Celebrate Secure Your Load Day - Instead of answering a question this week, I have a question for you. Can you name an event that happened on June 6th? Depending on your interest in history, you might answer that it was the day of the Great Seattle Fire in 1989, a memorable event in Northwest history. (In naming it “great” I’m …
Seat Belts: Everybody’s Wearing Them (Almost) - Q; I’ve seen a lot of commercials reminding us to wear seat belts lately. Is that really still a problem? Doesn’t everyone wear a seat belt now? A: You’re close. Almost everyone in Washington buckles up. Seat belt use in Washington is at about 95 percent. That’s seven points higher than the national average. Given …
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Roundabout Refresher - I thought we had this whole round-about thing pretty well managed, but based on the abundance of email I’ve been getting lately I guess that’s just not true. That point was driven home recently by a comment from a reader. In an article about bike boxes, I wrote that we’ll learn how to navigate them …
What to do When You’re a Witness - Q: Could you give some advice on what to do if you witness a crash and what law enforcement might need from a witness at the scene? A: I’ll start by covering what you are legally required to do if you witness a crash: nothing. The law does not require a witness to a crash …
U-turns: Mostly Legal, Sometimes Risky - Q: When driving on Meridian Street in the area of the mall, there are now those barriers keeping you from making a left turn. I see a lot of people making U-turns now when they get to the next intersection. Is this legal? A: Before answering this question I took a drive down Meridian just …
Electric vs. Gas Powered Bicycles - Q: What are the laws on driving a motorized or electric assist bike on the road? Do you need to have a license and insurance? A: There are actually several different answers, depending on the power source (gas or electric) and the size of the motor. The part about electric assist bikes is the easiest …
Tailgating Problems and Solutions - Q: It seems like tailgating is becoming more of a problem. Do the police ever enforce it? A: Allow me to validate your perception. Last year in northwest Washington (Whatcom, Skagit, Island and San Juan Counties), following too closely was a factor in 880 crashes. We had a total of 6492 reported collisions in the …
Distracted Driving at Work - Q: With all the attention on distracted driving lately, it got me thinking of an employee cell phone policy where I work. I like the idea, but where do I start? A: I know we just addressed cell phones and driving a couple weeks ago, but employer/employee responsibility is a side of distracted driving that …
Freight Trains and Soda Cans - Q: I have a few railroad questions: Where do I stop for a railroad crossing? On crossings without gates, once I’ve stopped for the flashing red lights, can I cross if the train is still not too close? Can I stop on railroad tracks while waiting for traffic to clear? Why can’t I walk down …
Evolved Enough to Drive - Q: It seems like some days there are more people texting or talking on their phones while driving than there are paying attention. Is it really so hard to just leave the phone alone and drive? A: Yes, it seems that it is. Here’s why: Cavemen. In more primitive times, a human’s ability to survive …
Green Boxes and Traffic Tickets - Q: Is it illegal for a car to stop in a green bike box and how much is the fine? A: With bike boxes being a recent addition to our local roads, it’s fair to wonder if there is a specific law prohibiting drivers from stopping in the green box. You won’t find a state …
Protecting Vulnerable Road Users - Last week I mentioned a law designed to protect vulnerable road users. This law is titled, “Negligent driving – Second degree – Vulnerable user victim”. A mouthful, I know. The title of the law also brings up two important questions: What is negligence? And what is a vulnerable user? Let’s start with negligence. If you …
Bikes in Crosswalks - Q: When I approach a pedestrian crosswalk and someone is sitting on their bicycle with the intent to ride it across (as opposed to walking it), am I required to stop? A: Basically, yes. The law requires drivers to treat cyclists in a crosswalk the same way they do pedestrians. RCW 46.61.235 groups the terms …
Sex and Intoxication - Sex and intoxication. Did that get your attention? If so, this article is probably not what you think it is. We’re focusing on the less salacious but still very important issue of a person’s biological sex as a significant factor in alcohol impairment; a big deal when it comes to impaired driving. Rather than responding …
Driving From Private Property to Public Roads - Q: If I leave a parking lot that is private property and a sign on the property says right turn only, can I get cited for make a left turn, even if there is no oncoming traffic? A: Yes, but I think I understand where you’re coming from. Outside of a few criminal violations like …
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Brake Checking – Dumb and Dangerous - Q: I am seeing more and more brake checking going on. People doing the brake checking feel they wont be responsible at all if they get rear ended. That’s usually the case, but when you brake check aren’t you also an aggressive driver at that point? A: For those who are not familiar with the …
Slow Scooter on a Fast Road - Q: The speed limit on Mount Baker Highway is 55 mph. Often in the mornings I am stuck behind a person driving a scooter with a max speed of 40. Sometimes they drive on the shoulder, more times they drive in the lane. This creates an unsafe environment as speeding trucks and cars quickly approach …
Planes vs. Cars – What Can We Learn? - Q: I’ve read that the fatality rate per mile traveled on a commercial plane is much lower than it is when traveling by car. Are there things we could learn from the airlines on how to make our roads safer? A: There are numerous resources comparing commercial airline safety with driving, and every one of …
What To Do If You Hit A Sign - Q: Say you slide off the road in ice and snow and you take out a directional traffic sign (curve sign.) I think it would be the right thing to do but it is necessary to report this? And, to whom? A: I love that this question is posed as a hypothetical, but then includes …
Cycling and Texting – Legal, but Foolish - Q: I see bike riders, in traffic, riding with their cell phones up to their ear. Shouldn’t they have to follow the same no-cell-phone laws that vehicle drivers do? A: “Should they” and “Are they required by law” are two different questions. Despite some drivers refusing to admit it, we have data to show that …
Watch Out For Flying Ice Chunks - Q: Driving on the freeway, my friend and I were following a semi that was divesting itself of its trailer top ice and snow load all over the road. Staying back for a few miles we decided it was done and okay to pass if we did so quickly – wrong. As we passed, the …
Your Future Driver License - Q: I have a question about the legality of carrying a photo or digital copy of your drivers license, instead of carrying the physical card. Will the police accept the digital copy as proof of a valid license, or would you get a citation? It would be convenient to have a copy in the phone! …
The Good News, The Bad News and The Worse News in Traffic Safety - For many people the end of the year is a time to take stock of our lives and see if we’re achieving our goals. This week, instead of answering one of your questions, I’d like to propose one of my own: How are we doing in our goal to eliminate fatal and serious injury crashes …
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Pedestrians and Christmas Lights - Q: Recently, I was walking on the sidewalk at night to a grocery store and I crossed the crosswalk at the entrance to the store. As I was walking, a car tried to pull in, and then noticed me, which left her stuck in traffic. She then proceeded to say, “Maybe you should wear bright …
Wheelchairs in Bike Lanes - Q: Is it legal for a motorized wheelchair to use the bike lane? A: Maybe. Let’s start with the story of Ian Mackay. Last August, this man rode his wheelchair from his home in Port Angeles across the state to Portland, OR for a total of 335 miles. Ian rode trails, bike lanes or road …
Can Postal Carriers Park Wherever They Want? - Q: Is it legal for mail carriers to park their vehicles in front of a fire hydrant? Right in front of the no parking zone sign? A: As clearly stated in RCW 46.61.570, drivers shall not stand or park a vehicle within fifteen feet of a fire hydrant. Wait, maybe that isn’t clear. What’s the …
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Angle Parking and Bike Helmets - Q: Could you address the rules and regulations on angle parking? In Fairhaven big trucks seem to hang out into the narrow street when they’re parked in the diagonal parking along the street. A: The rule you’re looking for is in Washington Administrative Code 308-330-433. You’re not allowed to park a car in such a …
How To Drive In (Or Not In) A Funeral Procession - Q: Recently I was driving and came across a funeral procession. There was no police escort, but my father taught me to pull over to the side of the road when I was young. Is there a law requiring this? Several people on the road in front of me did not pull off. A: What …
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Disabled Parking And The Law - Q: What is the law concerned handicapped parking spaces? Must a handicapped person always be present to justify their use? Can abuses be reported, and to whom? Is there a fine that can be imposed to those who misuse a permit? A: Working backwards through the questions; yes, yes (the police), yes, and you’ll find …
Emergency Vehicles: When To Yield - Q: This question is referring to roads where there are two lanes in each direction with a center turn lane. When there is an emergency vehicle with it’s lights and siren on traveling in the opposite direction, do you have to pull over to the shoulder and stop? A: I’m inclined to err on a …
Traffic Signals and Traffic Jams - Q: Have the traffic lights in Bellingham been professionally set up, that is adjusted to allow for the best flow of traffic? I do not understand how the city doesn’t have the ability to have the lights synchronized on some of our busiest roads. A: This question is adapted from a stack of questions about …
Fences, Shrubs and Traffic Laws - Q: My view of oncoming traffic when making a left turn onto a busy street is obscured by a tall fence installed very close to the street. I cannot have a full view of cross-traffic without moving up very close to the busy street. This seems quite dangerous. Are there rules about fences or shrubs …
How To Get Through a Yellow Light (Without Getting a Ticket) - Q: What is the standard for judging whether to continue to proceed through an intersection with a yellow light? If a police officer was going to issue a citation, what would they look for? There seems to be a whole continuum and sometimes it is hard to judge whether to make a fast stop or …
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Bicycle Rules and Myths - Q: You state that “Target Zero is Washington’s plan to eliminate fatality and serious injury crashes by 2030,” which is laudable. When it speaks of “fatality and serious injury crashes” does that statement include those crashes where bikes are involved? I ask this because here in Bellingham there appears to be absolutely no laws affecting …
Should You Get Your Speeding Ticket Deferred? - Q: I just got a speeding ticket. How do I get it deferred? Is that a good idea? A: For some drivers, deferring a traffic infraction makes sense; for others, not so much. It depends on the kind of driver you are. I have a little quiz that can help, but first let’s explain what …
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Jumping The Queue – It’s What Buses Can Do - A few days ago I received a question, or actually a report of complaints, by way of the folks at Whatcom Transportation Authority. It seems that people have been calling them to report bus drivers running red lights at a couple of locations in Bellingham. Maybe you’ve also seen bus drivers sneaking ahead of the …
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Running From The Cops - Q: Not that I plan on doing it, but what would happen if I tried to outrun the cops on a traffic stop? A: Let’s work from the assumption that you’re being pulled over for a simple traffic violation and that you’re not a suspect in a heinous crime. Understandably, cops make a greater effort …
Back-to-School Driving Reminders - I’ve been hearing from folks who, as the school year starts up again, have not so much a question as a common request: “Can you please remind people to drive safe, especially around schools?” Of course I can. As requested: “Hey drivers, be safe on the road, and watch out for the kids.” I’d also …
Sleepy? Take A Nap (but not while driving) - Q: My job involves shift work and long hours. Sometimes I’m driving home after being awake for 24 hours. If I fell asleep at the wheel would I be considered impaired? Could I get a DUI? A: In response your first question, yes, you are impaired. But no, you won’t get a DUI for drowsy …
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Traffic Tickets: Where The Money Goes - Q: Where does the money from a traffic ticket go? A: To quote from a friend’s relationship status as described on Facebook, “It’s complicated.” Before I could answer this question I reviewed several charts and spreadsheets from the Washington Administrative Office of the Courts, spoke with a Budget & Judicial Impact Analyst and checked in …
Crossing the Street for Angled Parking - Q: Is it legal to pull into an angled parking space on the opposite side of the street (in front of the Bellingham Public Library, for example)? A: I’ll begin by assuming that in this scenario, the driver pulls nose first into the parking spot rather than backing into it. If my assumption is incorrect, …
Navigating Through Construction Zone Signs - Q: Are there any requirements for the use and/or placement of signage to warn drivers when construction affects the flow of traffic? Who is responsible for setting up the signs? A: Oh yes, there are requirements. Pages and pages of requirements. The Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD), which Washington has adopted as its …
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Can I Get a DUI On My Bike? - Q: With the upsurge of breweries in town I have seen more clearly intoxicated bike riders leaving local breweries. Is there a rule about riding your bike while intoxicated? A: This is a great example of, “Dumb is not the same as illegal.” In Washington, it is not a crime to ride a bike while …
How To (And Not To) Handle Tailgaters - Q: What is the best way to deal with tailgaters without rewarding them for their dangerous behavior? A: By “reward” I’m assuming you don’t mean a trophy or a ribbon. Does getting out of the way of a tailgater feel like rewarding them for their behavior? If so, let’s change the question a bit. How …
Speed Versus Survival - Q: You say that the Whatcom County Traffic Safety Task force has a vision to reduce traffic fatalities and serious injuries to zero by 2030 but what exactly is being done to achieve that goal? Every day, as I drive around the county, I see worrisome traffic infractions but I seldom see a police presence …
Learning to Merge - Q: How are drivers supposed to merge onto the freeway? It seems like most drivers in Bellingham expect to merge into traffic immediately when they enter the on-ramp instead of getting up to speed and “zipper-merging” near the end of the on-ramp lane. Entering drivers seem to think its their right to merge into traffic …
What To Do About “The Wave” - Q: Would you please address the fact that politeness should not trump correct driving rules? I appreciate that people in Bellingham are usually so polite on the roads, but this can also drive me crazy at times. There are so many times that the other driver on the road has the right of way, but …
Why are there school zones without schools? - Q: Why do School zones exist in areas with no school nearby? I have noticed locations on Fraser Street and Orleans Street where it says school zones yet there are no schools nearby. In both of these locations the nearest public school is over a mile away and numerous roads exist closer to the school …
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Left Turns and One Way Streets - Q: Can you turn left from a two way street onto one way street at a red light after stopping? A: As strange as it feels, yes you can. There are a few scenarios provided in state law that permit a driver to proceed after stopping for a red light, even while the light remains …
What’s a HAWK, and How Does It Work? - Q: More education appears to be needed regarding the “HAWKS” on Alabama Street. Two days ago, two police officers in Bellingham patrol cars were observed traveling in opposite directions on Alabama. They both stopped at an activated hawk and were each first in line in their respective lanes. Once the hawk began flashing red and …
How Dark is Too Dark? - Q: How dark can window tint be on a car? A: Maybe it’s about the heat. Maybe it’s about the style. Maybe it’s about the privacy. Whatever the reason, many people choose to tint the windows on their cars. Proponents of window tint point to several benefits; big surprise, I’ll start with safety. Window tint …
Traffic Control for Private Organizations - Q: Is it legal for a rent-a-cop to stop traffic on Northwest Road to allow the cars from that big box church to enter Northwest? Just last Sunday, I was stopped to allow two cars to enter the road. A: First of all, when you used the term “rent-a-cop” I’ll assume you meant “fully commissioned …
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Tunnels and Sunglasses - Q: As an eyesight-challenged person, my license requires that I wear corrective lenses. I have either my prescription glasses or sunglasses at all times. Recently I was driving on one of the few gorgeous sunny March days, and I came through a tunnel. A sign read “No Sunglasses”. It seemed like the lesser of three …
Pets on Laps and Negligent Driving - Q: Is it illegal to drive with a pet on your lap? A: Maybe I should first ask what kind of pet. Are we talking about a sleeping kitten or a Bernese mountain dog that wants a walk? Washington doesn’t have a law that specifically prohibits someone from driving with a pet on his or …
How to Use a Two-Way Left Turn Lane - Q: I recently was waiting in traffic heading west on Barkley Boulevard just before the intersection with Racine Street. I planned to turn left on Orleans and had my left turn indicator on. Three drivers behind me moved into the center turn lane and quickly drove the distance to get the left turn light on …
Why Are Seat Belts Mandatory? - Q: Why are seat belts mandatory when it affects only the person who chooses not to wear it? I’ve heard of people who survived crashes by being thrown from the car while the passenger using the seat belt died. Or people who drown because they crash into water and can’t get their seat belt off. …
Who Sets The Speed Limits? - Q: Who sets speed limits and how are they decided? A: Should we start with the science or the politics? Let’s start with politics, since that gets us on track to answer the first part of the question. Because speed limits are enforceable laws, they are set by elected officials. At the state level, RCW …
Left Turns and Traffic Jams - Q: Did something change for left hand turners at a signal? I have noticed that a growing number of drivers in Bellingham have decided that pulling into the intersection at a traffic light when turning left is no longer a practice. These drivers are waiting behind the line and then right as the signal is …
Bicycle Round-Up Part 3 - Here’s the long-awaited (or maybe long-forgotten) part three of what I originally thought was a two-part series on bicycle questions. 1. Can a car drive in a bike lane? I sometimes see cars driving in the bike lane to pass a car turning left. Is that legal? How does a car make right turn across …
Speed Zones – Where Do They Change? - Q: When a road’s speed limit changes, let’s say from 35mph up to 50mph, does the increased speed limit take effect once you can see the new sign or only after you pass the sign? A: I was curious about this myself, so I asked a traffic engineer the same question. He began by directing …
Driving Through Disaster - Emergency managers all along the west coast have been preparing for “Cascadia Rising”, an ominously titled earthquake and tsunami exercise that will take place this June. This national-level exercise is based on a 9.0 earthquake, an event that happens in this region about every 200 to 500 years. (The last one was 300 years ago.) …
Distracted Driving – The Phone is Smart; The Driver, Not So Much - Instead of answering a question this week, I’m going to let you in on a bit of information that could save you $124, or even (not to be too dramatic) your life. During the first two weeks of April, local law enforcement are participating in a national distracted driving enforcement campaign. That means extra cops …
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Why Roundabouts Make Sense - In the last two weeks I’ve received a stack (well, a digital stack) of emails about roundabouts. I’ve heard from traffic engineers, police officers and motorists in our community. Some of the emails are from people frustrated by other drivers in the roundabouts, and they’re hoping this column will sort it all out. That’s a …
Dead End vs. No Outlet – The Roads to Nowhere - Q: Why are some roads marked “Dead End” and some marked “No Outlet?” Is there a difference? A: One theory is that wealthy neighborhoods petitioned to eliminate “Dead End” signs from their streets because it reflected poorly on the status of their residents. But that’s completely untrue. There’s a manual that traffic engineers use when …
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Fender Offenders - Q: How far can tires legally extend outside the body of a pickup? A: Sometimes I wonder if when I answer a question I’m unwittingly assisting someone in winning an argument. So I have my own question in response to this one: Are you asking because you want to make sure your pickup complies with …
Turn Signals and Turn Lanes - Q: If I’m in a lane that is designated for right or left turns only, do I really need to use my turn signal? A: The answer according to Washington’s law is, “Yes.” That answer finds it’s support in RCW 46.61.305, which states, “No person shall turn a vehicle or move right or left upon …
Bumper Cars and Parking Karma - Q: A driver who was paralleled parked backed up to get more space in front in order to leave, but in the process, bumped into the car behind. The driver got out, looked at the two cars’ bumpers, and drove off. As a pedestrian, I observed this happen and noticed that there didn’t seem to …
Crosswalks – Part 2 - Previously we answered the original question about when motorists are supposed to stop at crosswalks, but I want to go a few steps further and look at pedestrian duties, crosswalk enforcement and survival skills. Let’s begin with rules for pedestrians crossing the street; first in crosswalks and then at other locations. At crosswalks pedestrians really …
Blinding Brake Lights - Q: I was following a newer Escalade a few nights ago. At a stop sign, when the driver applied the brakes, I was blinded by the stop lights. This sounds like a minor complaint, but it was dark and I couldn’t see for several seconds. The RCW does not address the brightness of rear lighting. …
How Much Traffic Enforcement Is Enough? - Q: You say that the Whatcom County Target Zero Task Force has a vision to reduce traffic fatalities and serious injuries to zero by 2030 but what is being done to achieve that goal? Every day I see worrisome traffic infractions – speeding, tailgating, texting, passing in no-passing zones; but I seldom see a police …
Bicycle Question Round-up Part 2 - It’s time for bicycle question round-up part two. You’ve been asking a lot of questions about where bikes should ride; bike lane, sidewalk, or roadway. Let’s take a look at what’s legal, and what’s smart. 1. Is it legal to ride a bike on the sidewalk, and if so, who has the right-of-way? How about …
Crosswalks – Part 1 - Q: Crosswalks Part One: Can you please explain crosswalks, and when motorists are supposed to stop, including unmarked crosswalks? A: Ah, yes, crosswalks. On the surface it seems so obvious; when a pedestrian is in a crosswalk, drivers should stop. But there’s more to it than that, including the question, “What is a crosswalk?” Until …
Escape From a Texting Driver - Q: The person driving behind me is obviously texting… I can see the top of their head for 10 seconds at a time in my rear-view mirror. If I speed up over the speed limit to put some space between myself and the texter, will the officer who pulls me over understand? A: I’m getting …
Bicycle Question Round-up, Part 1 - Welcome to the bicycle question roundup. Questions about bicycles have been pouring in, and I’m going to try to tackle them several at a time, so this is part one. I don’t usually edit the questions much, but some of these had a strong bias, either pro-bike or anti-bike. I’ve tried to cut the bias …
When to Stop for a School Bus - Q: Am I required to stop for a school bus that has its red lights on to let some children off if there are two lanes in both directions and I’m going the opposite direction? A: There are at least three good reasons to know when it’s okay to pass a school bus and when …
Traffic Enforcement on Private Property - Q: Can the Police ticket you for not stopping at a stop sign, speeding, or other such traffic violations while driving on a privately owned roadway such as a parking lot? A: That’s a great question, and there’s more to it than just a simple yes or no. Let’s start with the generalities. The opening …
Passengers and ID - Q: If you are a passenger in a car that has been pulled over for a traffic violation are you required to show your ID to the police? A: This is a great question that straddles the line between traffic law and broader constitutional law. And the answer is . . . It depends. Before …
Skateboarders and Traffic Laws - Q: What are the Rules for skateboarders? Can they (should they?) use bicycle lanes? What about being on a roadway where there are no bicycle lanes? Do they need to obey traffic signals & signs? Should vehicles yield to them, as we do for pedestrians? Thank you for any hints & tips you can provide. …
Brake Lights and Regenerative Braking - Q: I’m seeing more electric cars on the road every day; I myself am the proud owner of one. One of my favorite aspects of driving electric is the regenerative braking, which allows me to slow down without using the brake pedal. Sometimes I am concerned about drivers behind me not paying enough attention to …
ATVs on City Streets - Q: Is it legal to drive an ATV or Gator type vehicle on Bellingham city streets? A: My favorite part of this question is that it is specific to Bellingham city streets. It’s not too unusual to see farmers in rural parts of the county riding an ATV across a road to get from one …
Winter Driving Review - As I watched my neighbor scrape ice from her windshield I realized it’s probably time to review the topic of winter driving. Mount Baker ski area has opened, the freezing level is dropping, and we’ve already had some flooded roads. Here comes winter. If you’ve ever had a conversation with someone from Minnesota about winter …
It’s Easier Than Ever to Not Get a DUI - I know every month is national something-or-other month, but this one is legit; the president even signed a proclamation. December is National Impaired Driving Prevention Month. All year long, and especially in December, DUI prevention organizations work hard to educate people about the consequences of impaired driving. Around here, the Washington Traffic Safety Commission goes …
Kids in Cars – Where to Put Them - Q: Could you please review the rules in regards to children riding in the front seat of vehicles? I know there are recommendations in vehicles, but are there actual age requirements by law? Also, along those same lines, are there legal age/height requirements for booster seats? Thank you! A: Child passenger restraint laws in Washington …
Do Red Cars Get More Speeding Tickets? - Drivers around the world have endorsed the “red cars get more tickets” theory for years. The common item missing from each version is a substantiated fact. Some of the reasons for the supposed disproportionate numbers of tickets issued to red cars seem plausible. Some are outright ridiculous. Of the more believable explanations, one offers the idea that red …