How To Legally Disable An Airbag (And Why You Probably Don’t Want To)

Q: I have been concerned about this for years. I am just 5 feet tall and 110 pounds. So when driving I need the seat moved forward quite a bit to reach the pedals. Can I or should I disconnect the airbag? But then my husband, on the rare times he uses my car, would be at risk. Waiting for your wise advice. Thank you.

A: You’ve probably seen the letters “SRS” embossed on the steering wheel and in front of the passenger seat on the dashboard. In a round-about way, those three letters explain why you probably don’t need to be concerned about injury from your airbag. Is it possible to get injured from an airbag? Yes. But probably not because you’re short.

The airbag was invented in 1919 by a couple dentists who were trying to prevent jaw fractures. They both served at a hospital during the First World War treating war victims with severe jaw injuries. Realizing that many of these injuries were caused by vehicle crashes (both planes and road-traveling vehicles), they sought a solution to preventing the injuries.

Given the technology limitations of 1919, the dentists’ airbag design was nothing like what we have now. Airbag innovation progressed in the 1950s and 60s, and in the early 1970s Ford and General Motors deployed them on a limited basis. By the late 70s both had abandoned the idea, thinking it wasn’t viable. Turns out they were wrong. In the mid 80’s airbags made a return in a few cars and by 1998 they were mandatory in all cars.

Back to those three letters: “SRS” stands for Supplemental Restraint System. As you might guess from the name, airbags are not intended to be your primary safety device in a crash; that’s your seatbelt. It’s true that airbags have caused some fatalities. However, over 80 percent of those deaths involved a vehicle occupant who was unbelted or improperly belted. (Ninety percent of those fatalities occurred in vehicles manufactured before 1998. That’s when federal rules reduced the power in airbags.) Airbags are designed to work in harmony with a seatbelt to reduce injuries that your seatbelt can’t prevent, not as a stand-alone safety feature. Most airbag injuries and fatalities that involve a driver too close to the airbag come not from sitting too close, but from not wearing a seatbelt and then moving too close during the crash.

If you always wear your seatbelt the risk from your airbag is miniscule compared to the advantages it offers in a crash. In fact, airbags save thousands of lives every year and reduce serious injuries that seatbelts alone can’t prevent. However, the law does allow for a few scenarios where you would be allowed to disable an airbag, and one is related to your seating position.

There is such a thing as too close, and it might be closer than you were expecting. The first two to three inches of airbag deployment are the “risk zone.” Beyond that, risk of injury diminishes rapidly. The recommended minimum distance between the steering wheel and the driver in an airbag-equipped car is 10 inches. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) figures that in most vehicles a driver who is 4’6” or taller should be able to position the driver’s seat to get 10 inches between their chest and the steering wheel.

The other driver exception is a medical condition that “makes the potential harm from the driver air bag . . . greater than  . . . allowing the driver, even if belted, to hit the steering wheel, dashboard, or windshield in a crash.” I don’t know what medical condition fits those parameters, but it’s an option for anyone whose doctor thinks they need it.

On the passenger side, an airbag can be disabled if transporting an infant or child and the back seat isn’t an option (usually because there is no back seat, like in a pickup or two-seater sports car.) The back seat, if there is one, is always the safer place for kids to ride, but putting an infant in a rear-facing car seat in the front seat of an airbag equipped car is extra-disastrous in a crash.

To legally disable an airbag you need to submit a written request to NHTSA and, if approved, the work has to be done by an authorized dealer or shop. They’ll install an on-off switch so that the airbag can be enabled whenever the vehicle occupant doesn’t meet the requirements for deactivation.

14 Replies to “How To Legally Disable An Airbag (And Why You Probably Don’t Want To)”


    1. Hi James,
      Removing an airbag can be risky. It’s powered by an explosive and triggered by an electric charge. Accidentally triggering it while trying to remove it could cause serious harm. A mechanic won’t remove it for you, because that’s illegal. I think your dealer needs to come up with a better solution for you.

      1. No its not risky, its easy, all you do is pull the fuse, wheb you unplug it, the pins that need to be energized short out preventing it from going off too. Verry basic if u have had the training.

      2. It is not “illegal” to have it removed. There is no statue for an individual to do so.
        And it is very unlikely it would go off pulling it. So unlikely it has never been documented.

        1. I believe you’re right that there is no statute prohibiting an individual from disabling their own airbag, but it would be illegal for a mechanic to disable it for someone. Unless you’re willing to do the work yourself, you can’t get it done without an approval letter from NHTSA (or a machanic willing to violate the law). You might be right that it’s unlikely that it would go off, but it can happen and has been documented. For example, the man that was killed by an airbag while working on a car:

          1. Then he could be killed by it deploying in a crash too. These are so unsafe it’s not funny. Save a few lives in extreme crashes.. ok maybe… But how many people got seriously hurt BECAUSE OF THEM in an otherwise simple accident.

  2. I drive an Escalade.. it’s a tank. That airbag almost killed me. I think I should have the option to disconnect it. It’s my car. Many don’t have it why should I??

  3. I’ve just purchased a focus st running cp320 I’ve purchased this to turn it into a track car but I want to be able to drive to the track and back. I’ve just took the steering wheel off and replaced it with an omp so the airbag light is on on the dash. I know I can use resistors to stop the light showing. But is it legal that I now have no drivers airbag??

    1. While it’s illegal for a dealership or mechanic to remove an airbag from a customer’s vehicle, the Federal air bag laws don’t prohibit individuals from removing airbags on their own vehicles. And I can’t find any state law in Washington that prohibits it either. If you’re in another state, you might want to check your state laws. I’ve heard that some states with vehicle inspections require airbags to be functional to pass inspection.

    2. @John hind NO it is NOT legal to remove it disable an airbag if the vehicle came equipped with it and if you happen to be involved in an accident insurance will NOT cover any medical bills you may incur.

      1. That is a KEY POINT! Did not know that. So important!!! I am 5’0”. Let’s just say I weigh less than 105. I always thought it would more dangerous to have the airbag deploy since I have to sit so close to the steering wheel. So many things I have read lately has be indicated that technology in safety has made it much safer for those of us who are vertically challenged.

  4. One medical condition in which a deployed airbag could be dangerous is to a passenger in the first 6 weeks of recovery from a sternotomy heart surgery where one’s split sternum is held together with wire requiring six perhaps more weeks to heal.

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